Chapter 7

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Four days. That's how long it had been since I'd last seen the mortal world.

What were my mother and grandmother doing? Were they looking for me? Did they ever find my jacket in that alley? Was there a single clue for them?

My mind was riddled with questions about the life I had been forced to leave behind. To say that I was worried was an understatement.

The first day, I had been alright. I was still in shock, and I hadn't known anything, so of course I was extremely curious. I had asked questions about everything. Everything.

"So... if Hades is your dad, then who is your mom?" I had asked. Jungkook had thought for a while.

"A witch," he had replied. "She was the most powerful witch in South Korea. I don't know much about her, since I was raised here."

I had been scared out of my mind, but the curiosity had managed to distract me. Jungkook's "punishment" had surprisingly helped too. It wasn't as bad as I imagined, since I'd imagined some freaky bondage sex with flaming whips used on tortured souls, and it helped take my mind off things, despite how mentally scarring it was.

"You see those souls?" Jungkook had taken me to the Fields of Punishment, where evil souls where tortured. My eyes were barely open, since I was trying to not get the images of the damned suffering engraved into my brain, but I nodded. The screams echoed throughout the fields, and I'd winced as each ghost suffered.

"The connection in the Underworld has been a little weak lately, so we need to make sure that no one escaped the Fields of Punishment," he explained. My heart had sunk. "And you're going to do that."

"I'm going to... take roll as they suffer?" I had whimpered. Jungkook nodded and had given me a wry smile.

"Go up to each one and ask for their name. When you're done, report back to me."

I'd gulped nervously and stared into the suffering, their screams thrumming against my eardrums.

The second day, I was inconsolable. The shock and curiosity had worn off, and I had realized how much I missed home. I'd spent the whole day sobbing on the bed that Jungkook and I were to share. Thankfully, he seemed to have other things to do, so I hadn't slept in the same bed as he did yet. When he came back, he had seemed awkward and uncomfortable.

"Er... Are you okay?" he had asked, scratching his head. I had looked at him with puffy eyes and started bawling again, despite my pride. Losing your family was something to cry over, even if it was around people you didn't know.

"No!" I had cried. "I want to go home!"

"Sorry. You can't." Suddenly, he had seemed very interested in his light brown work boots. I'd cried harder, and he sighed and approached me.

"Here." He'd plucked a tissue box from his dresser and handed it to me. "I get that you're upset... And I can't really comfort you. Sorry... again."

"Why are you being mildly nice to me?" I had demanded. I'd almost preferred his coldness. Now, it was just awkward, and I didn't want that. Jungkook squirmed uncomfortably and wriggled his fingers.

"You're still my human," he had stated, looking at the floor. "I actually care for you, believe it or not."

I'd gaped at him, momentarily distracted. He actually liked me? Like, as a living being? I wasn't just an object of his possession?

"I thought you just wanted me to be your sex slave," I had admitted, slowly drawing in a breath as my face temperature rose.

"N-No..." Even in the dim light of the late night, it had been very obvious that he was blushing, even more than me. "Maybe at first, but..."

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