Chapter 20

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"That was honestly the lamest thing I've ever been in," I remarked as Jungkook and I walked home. It was about eleven at night, but we still walked outside, since tons of people were out and about, milling around, probably drunk off of the Halloween specials at bars. There were girls in adorable costumes, though they were crooked or ripped or stained from some point during the night, and there were guys that went all out in superhero costumes and were probably dying, but most of the guys were in equally as cute of costumes as the girls. I noticed tons of foreigners crowding the streets, all drunk and costumed. They were much more noticeable, since most of them weren't East Asian, and also because they were about ten times louder, so I heard bits of my native language mixed in with Korean.

"But you loved it anyways," Jungkook replied, tilting his head as he said it in a sing-song voice. "Reminded you of the good ol' days, didn't it?"

I snorted. "Definitely," I answered. "I remember that hall of wonky mirrors in the Underworld for sure."

"Ne, it was the best part of Hades's palace," Jungkook chuckled, licking his ice cream cone. Before we'd left the amusement park, we had gotten ice cream at a stand. I'd quickly finished my vanilla ice cream, but Jungkook was enjoying his slowly.

"What even is that flavor?" I questioned, eyeing Jungkook's ice cream cone suspiciously. It was a robin's egg blue with Easter pastel marshmallows. "It looks terribly unnatural."

"You know what it is," he grinned, a devilish glint in his eye. "We've been through this before, haven't we?"

"We have...?" Jungkook nodded. I racked my brain for past memories, but I was sure that I would've noticed a bright blue ice cream cone in Hell.

I glanced up at my husband, furrowing my brow to find the memory, and he rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically, looking up at the sky. His eyes shone under the streetlights, and for a moment, he looked eerily normal. With the black plugs, hoodie, and sneakers, he looked like any other young adult. The light gave his eyes a certain warmth that made him look less soulless, and I could've pretended right then and there that Jungkook was a human. In that moment, I could've convinced myself that after we'd first met, we'd dated and ultimately married.

"Oh!" I smacked my head in realization. My sudden outburst had startled Jungkook, as his grip on my hand tightened tenfold. I looked up and him and startled giggling.

"What?" He stared at me incredulously, and we slowed our pace. People behind us went around, and we were like a rock in a stream. I paused and shoved him lightly.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" I demanded between fits of giggles. "You got that dumb dinosaur egg flavor this time just to be smooth!"

"Did it work?" Jungkook licked the blue residue off his lips, and we continued walking. His voice took on a slight sarcastic tone. "Do you think that I'm a complete romantic now?"

"Not a chance."

"You keep telling yourself that, Scarlet," Jungkook said, rolling his eyes again. "I know you love it."

"Riiiiiiiiight," I dragged on the word, my voice absolutely dripping with sarcasm, but my cheeks were warming up. My face was always a dead giveaway, and Jungkook knew that. He glanced down, saw the bright pink, and started laughing.

"You better stop," I warned him, trying to look as murderous as possible with neon cheeks. He only laughed harder and draped his arms around my shoulders, not caring about the other citizens. Everyone was drunk, anyways, so no one cared about PDA.

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