Chapter 17

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I twiddled my thumbs nervously as I sat on the living room couch. My palms were sweating, and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach as I fought a losing war with anxiety.

It had been about half a year since Jungkook and I had left Heaven, and now we lived in an apartment in Seoul as a married, human couple. It was simply too dangerous to return to the Underworld until the war was over, which would take more than a while, as both angels and demons were virtually immortal. Jungkook had gotten a job as a tattoo artist, and I held a position at a beauty store, though I also had reapplied for university and was currently taking classes. Our apartment was pretty close to my grandmother's, and to my delight, I was back in contact with my family.

With the help of some supernatural abilities, Jungkook and I had convinced my family (and the police) that I had been kidnapped by an unknown man, but while my kidnapper was in a restaurant, Jungkook the orphaned teenager had broken me out of the van and we had wandered around South Korea until returning back to Seoul. I had persuaded my family and the authorities of my story while Jungkook persuaded them to drop it and to not look into it anymore. I felt bad for lying to my family, but it was better than my grandmother dying of a heart attack because of the truth, wasn't it?

I think I was closer to my family than most 19-year-olds. Most young adults my age would've run to their freedom, not returning to their families until after they'd lived their adventures, but since I had come back from the freaking Underworld and my family believed that they had finally gotten me back from a kidnapper, we were extremely close now.

So naturally, I told my mother that I was pregnant before I told Jungkook.

"What do I say?" I fretted, my hands shaking as I sat in the living room with my mom. She had been beaming, since I'd told her about ten seconds earlier.

"Just sit him down and tell him!" she exclaimed, excitement dripping from her voice. "But if you want to do something cute and creative-"

"I don't think that's his style, nor can I pull that off," I interjected.

Just thinking about the news made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Most girls my age would be devastated to find out they were pregnant, but to me, it didn't matter. The experiences I had in the Underworld made me feel older than I was, and with all that excitement, I was completely ready to settle down. I believed that I was mature enough at this point to raise a child, and my mother could sense that, so neither of us felt like it was a teenage pregnancy. I was completely ready to be responsible for another life.

I held my breath as I planned what to say to Jungkook. He'd be returning from work soon, and I still didn't know how to form my jumbled thoughts into words. Even though we were married, I could hardly discern his personality. He was shy and serious at times, but other times, he was loud and hilarious, and of course he had his incredibly sexy side. I had no idea which personality I was trying to break the news to, and I was panicking.

I couldn't just randomly drop it during dinner, but I also didn't want to make a huge deal. I was planning to go with my mom's "sit down and talk" method, but I didn't know what to talk about. This was just a bad case of stage fright, except I wasn't on stage.

"I'm home!" I looked up to see Jungkook closing the apartment door behind him. He wore a white t-shirt, jeans, and his favorite pair of Timberlands. He turned and waved at me, smiling, exposing the tattoo on his forearm that read 방탄소년단--Bangtan Boys. His smile was warm and genuine; it was the smile I loved the most.

Memories of our wedding came flooding back without warning, and I instinctively rested my hand on my abdomen, as if to ask our unborn child if he or she could feel how happy Jungkook made me feel.

"Is my dress okay? Is my hair okay? Do I look okay?" I quickly smoothed down my dress before looking at my best friend, who had flown in from the States, expectantly. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over the peach bridesmaid's dress.

"You look fine, and even if you didn't, Jungkook would still find you hot af," she deadpanned. "Yeah, I just did say af."

I made a whining noise and hopped in place, thankfully not breaking the heels, and more importantly, not breaking my ankles. I would be walking down the aisle in less than five minutes, and the other bridesmaids were preening in the mirror.

"Am I allowed to peek?" I asked. "I'm going to peek!"

I gingerly pried open the doors to the sanctuary and peeked through the tiny crack. Guests were settling down into their seats, and Jungkook stood in the front. His black hair was parted slightly off center, his black tuxedo fit his athletic form quite perfectly, and his pale hands were clasped in front. He glanced around the church, occasionally smiling at some of the guests. I sighed and shut the door before turning back to my bridesmaids.

"Why are you smiling?" asked my best friend. I suddenly became aware of the smile stretching from ear to ear on my face. I tried to wipe it off, but I couldn't stop grinning.

"I just saw Jungkook," I confessed, "and words do not explain how much I love him right now."

"So what did you do today?" Jungkook asked, whisking me back to reality. I quickly displaced my hand from my stomach and sat up straight.

"Er, well, nothing really," I replied. "Um... Can you sit down? We should talk about something."

Jungkook eyed me suspiciously and warily sat next to me. "What do you wanna talk about?"

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish a couple of times before searching for words. Jungkook's dark eyes prompted me to continue, and I felt the adoration for him that I felt on our wedding day, looking through the door crevice.

"I love you a lot," I began, my eyes never leaving his, "and we're married, which I'm really grateful for..."

"You're not asking for a divorce this early on in the marriage are you?" Jungkook joked, though his eyes were still alert. I couldn't blame him. Even without the empathy, asking to talk sounded awfully suspicious.

I laughed nervously. "No, of course not," I said, clasping my hands together. "I just wanted to tell you that, uh, I'm... I am, um, pregnant."

Jungkook's face flushed a deep red before he broke into a wide grin.

"Really?" he exclaimed. "We're having a baby?"

"Y-Yeah." I watched as his face lit up. The puffs under his eyes grew as he beamed, and he leaned over and covered me in a bear hug. His arms were wrapped tight around me, but I could tell that he was being gentle.

"We're going to have the best demon-angel-human baby ever," he whispered, his words becoming muffled in my shoulder. "I love you."

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