Chapter 11

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"Hey, Scarlet, come here," called Jungkook from the living room. I groaned and peeled myself off the bed before approaching him. He was seated on the couch, scrolling through is pitch black phone.


"I need you to do something," he said. "It's a little... different."

I crossed my arms. "What's that?" I asked warily. Jungkook seemed slightly uncomfortable, and that set me on edge. What was he going to ask me to do? Terrifying images swirled around in my head, but I managed to keep the lid on my anxiety.

"I need you to bring food to the... prisoners of war," Jungkook mustered out.

Cough. What?

"Prisoners of war?" I made a strangled noise. "Like the war with the angels?"

Jungkook nodded solemnly. He had to be kidding. LOL.

"You want me... to bring food to my father's people?" I squeaked. "Who are being held captive?"

"Yes. I trust that you won't free them. They are prisoners of war, and they did commit crimes to my people."

I swallowed. "Why me? Why not Yousun?"

"Oh my God!" screamed Yousun from the next room. I sucked in a breath quickly. I took that back.My cheeks became inflamed, and so did Jungkook's.

"That's why." He was looking over my head, as if he didn't want to make eye contact with me. "There have been spies in the Underworld, so Hades sent everyone to deal with that problem. There's no one to feed the captives now."

"Will they know that I'm half?" My hands were suddenly really clammy.

"Not if you don't let them see your wings." Jungkook referenced the now almost solidified white wings on my back. They were still ghostly, but they were becoming more opaque as time passed. At the moment, they were closed, but sometimes they spread involuntarily, since I hadn't yet gotten the hang of controlling them subconsciously.

"I won't have to be in there long, will I?"

"It depends on how fast you get the food to the prisoners," he replied.

"How many are there?" I asked.

"There's only three in the prison that you're going to," Jungkook answered. "Hades doesn't take many prisoners," he added gravely. Nope. I suppressed the chills that were threatening to run down my spine.

"Then why are they prisoners?" Truthfully, I was only stalling. I didn't want to see my father's people in prison. I would feel like a traitor.

"They're royalty or something." Jungkook shrugged. "Bargaining chips."


"Well, let's get going." He took my hand and led me out the door. "We wouldn't want those angels starving, would we?"

As soon as we stepped out the door, Jungkook spread his wings and hoisted me into the air. The gloomy black ground grew smaller as we soared through the muggy sky. The prison was between the palace and the Fields of Punishment, and it was a glassy obsidian rectangle. There were no windows, and the yard was fenced off with burning barbed wire that glowed white with heat.

The inside of the prison was depressing and slightly creepy. Okay, extremely. It looked like a setting of Amnesia. Only black lights ignited the interior, and jail cells lined the walls. Jungkook waited at the entrance as I went to the kitchen to get food. On three trays sat bread, water, and cheese. As I lifted the trays, new ones popped up with new food. The kitchen was enchanted, apparently. I managed to carry all three trays and made my way to the cells.

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