Chapter 8

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I squirmed uncomfortably in bed, trying to make as little noise as possible so I wouldn't disturb Jungkook. He had finally come back to the apartment to sleep last night, and I had never felt more awkward in my entire life. We were both curled up on the opposite edges of the bed to avoid contact, though I didn't know why. Shouldn't he be taking advantage of me, since I was his "slave" now? Not that I was complaining.

The firelight pulsed gently through the window. I stared at it, wondering what kept the fires in hell going for eternity. That lead to me wondering if I was going to be here for eternity.

Did my mother give up looking for me? I imagined her taking care of my grandmother, trying to not think of me. The mere thought brought tears to my eyes. Sure, I wasn't from South Korea, but I missed it like crazy. Anything was better than this.

I wanna go home, I thought miserably. I miss my family.

Strangely, the Underworld was starting to grow on me. The carefree life I was destined to live here while putting up with my master/owner/"boyfriend" didn't stress me out as much as did school did. I had made three friend-type relationships, and it wasn't like I was being whipped or made a sex toy, which surprised me. I was sure that I would've been forced to do hard work during the day and then forced to do Jungkook at night. The only chores I had been doing were maid-type jobs, and Jungkook hadn't even asked for another kiss. We barely talked, but I felt him getting a little more relaxed around me, but he was still distant, like he didn't know what to do. That really contrasted human Jungkook, who was edgy had swagger. He still did, but he didn't possess the smooth traits he had before. Now, he was more Dracula than Edward Cullen. He was more intimidating and sullen than sparkly and charismatic. Where had his confidence gone?

I shifted positions again, since the bed was getting uncomfortably warm. This wasn't going to work. I lay there for a good ten seconds contemplating my options. Finally, I slid out of bed stealthily and crept to the little living room next door. After plopping down on the floor, I stared out the window. It was weird to say, but Hell was actually beautiful at night. Flowing volcanoes glowed red in the distance, the jewel flowers sparkled in the dim firelight, the chips of black glass gleamed next to the rivers, and the purple mist of a sky had dimmed to a dark violet. It was truly enjoyable, minus the view from the Fields of Punishment. The palace was far enough so that I couldn't hear suffering, but I could still see people drowning in boiling oil, sliding down razors into pools of lemon juice, and being crushed by rocks in the distance. Thankfully, I diverted most of my attention to Elysium. A distance away from the Fields of Punishment, next to the Fields of Asphodel, was a glowing town. That was where the good and noble souls went after death. The lights glittered like diamonds, and the buildings shined different colors, even in the dark.

I hated to say it, but the Underworld was breathtaking.

I found myself dozing off on the floor before I heard footsteps. Only half conscious, I didn't react when I felt strong arms wrap around me and lift me off the ground. I heard a grunting noise, and I was moved back to the bed. A pair of gentle hands tucked me in under the blankets, and the bed depressed next to me, where Jungkook laid back down.

"I don't want to trip over you tomorrow morning," he grumbled, his voice significantly closer to me than he was the first time.

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