Chapter 6

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The inside of the palace was much worse than the outside.

The palace was ill-lit with blood red light except for the throne room, where the light was bright white. Smoky apparitions moved freely throughout the interior, and skeletal soldiers stood at attention, lining the pathway to the throne. The windows were stained glass windows, except that they were stained pitch shades of red and purple, like blood and bruises, and they depicted grotesque scenes of death and carnage. The only noise I heard was the movement of air and hissing, which was because of the phantoms. Every hair on my body stood on end, and I was absolutely terrified. It was like my worst nightmare.

Jungkook carried me to the throne. On it sat a horrifying man who was larger than a normal person, sitting about seven feet tall. He was deathly pale, but not a normal pale--his skin was ash gray with a blue tint, like a corpse. His face was gaunt and bony, his eyes were like sunken ships, and his hands were more claw-like. His robes scared me the most. They were soul-sucking black, and in the black, there were ghostly faces in the fabric, all with screaming faces, like they were trying to get out of the robes. For some reason, I knew that they were real faces. This man had trapped souls in his black hole robe, and they wanted to escape.

I wanted to escape.

"Father," said Jungkook, snapping me out of my thoughts, "I have claimed a human."

Hades laughed, and it was much scarier than Jungkook's. It was like the laugh of a military leader that was about to drop a nuclear bomb. Every atom in my body screamed for me to run, but there was nowhere to go.

"That's my boy," chuckled Hades. "Where did you find her?"

"Seoul, my lord," Jungkook replied. "Have my brothers found theirs yet?"

"Not yet, not yet." An evil glint of pride showed itself in Hades' eyes. "You're the first. What do they say in South Korea? Golden maknae? Yes, you're the golden maknae."

I couldn't see Jungkook's face, but I knew that he was smirking. He hummed with pleasure, and I almost jumped out of my skin with fright. His voice was surprisingly close to my ear, and his icy breath tingled the side of my neck.

"What's your name, girl?" Hades asked me, turning his attention to me. It took me a few moments to find my voice, I was so scared.

"S-Scarlet Choi," I stuttered, my eyes widening with fear. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Why was this happening? What even was happening? A smile tugged at Hades' thin mouth.

"Choi, huh?" His eyes locked at something right above my head. He seemed to be reading something, like a tag. Was he reading my soul? It didn't seem to far-fetched, since I was in the freaking Underworld. Moments passed by, and a hint of recognition showed in his ghastly face. "Oh, yes, you do look familiar."

I started to tremble violently. I didn't care if Jungkook knew how terrified I was anymore. Why did Hades think that I looked familiar? My instincts told me to hide, but there was still nowhere to go, not that I had expected a sign to appear telling me where to go. It wasn't like Jungkook would let me go, either.

"I knew your father," Hades said, playing with his fingers, nodding to himself. "Yes, I knew Sooyoung."

My heart almost stopped beating, and I shook harder, my body shaking on its own. I had lost control of my nerves. Jungkook tightened his grip on me to keep me from falling.

"My... father?" I peeped, not knowing what to think. I'd never met my father. My mother had just said that he went missing when I was born. Had he gone missing in Hell? Was that just a code for death?

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