Chapter 1: From Driving.

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Lessons I learnt from driving.

What I learnt from learning to drive was not to take any risks or any chances.

If you aren't sure about anything leave it.
Let alone leaving it, don't even think about it.

Because the thing with taking chances is, you might end up in regret or you may be safe. And again this points to the condition of you being unsure of the situation.

I tried to parallel park once, I thought that I would be able to park in place. I took the risk and ended up getting a scratch to my car. - ending up in regret.

You see we always think that somehow we will be able to make it. But it's all about chance.

We may able to make it. Or we may not.

The first time you end up in something bad. They are likely chances that you think twice before you take another risk.

And if at all in first risk you succeed in having no harm, you go on to take another risk leaving you in a pot hole going deep taking risks after risk.

I don't intend on making you feel disappointed with taking chances. I don't even say don't take chances. What I mean is, where safety is concerned. Don't take chances. When you aren't sure don't risk.

And one more thing that I have read somewhere is, if you are confused between what to choose and what not. If you are 50-50 about something. Then flip a coin in air.

When the coin is still in air, you realise what side of the coin you are hoping for the most. And what you should be doing.

As simple as that.

Until next time.
Take care.


Lessons I learnt from life.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz