Seventeen - Flightless Bird, American Mouth

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-Zayn's Point of View-

"It's your birthday tomorrow and you're leaving?" Mum questions angrily.

I sigh deeply.

My mum's been yelling in my ear since I've told her of my plans to take a road trip to Wolverhampton.

It makes sense really, going on a trip with your mates on your eighteenth birthday. Besides, I've shared seventeen terrible birthdays with my family. I don't even remember the last time I had a birthday cake. Maybe my twelfth birthday? I'm owed this. Or at least I think so.

I don't blame my mum for being upset. A birthday kiss from her and my sisters had always been enough for me. I understand the anger but things have changed for me and that's the understatement of the century.

It's all dad's doing. I doubt I’d be quick to go if it wasn’t for him. He's more lenient with the girls. They get allowances while I had to work for my own cash. They get ballet lessons and whatever their hearts desire really but I don't blame dad on that part. I turn into a softie too after a minute with the girls.

They don’t need me. If they did I wouldn’t even consider leaving.

We all sit around the dinner table eating chicken with rice and vegetables. When I say 'all', I mean me, my mum, and all my sisters minus dad. He's been gone for a while now meaning he'll turn up in a day or two now that the girls are back.

The whole dinner I've been letting the girls yammer on and on about camp but I'd been hoping to drop the news to mum gently. I'd also been hoping she wouldn't yell at me since the girls put her in such a cheerful mood. Turns out I was wrong.

"I'm turning eighteen. I'm becoming an adult. What's the problem of spending it with some of my mates?" I ask when the dinner table goes silent.

Mum pinches the bridge of her nose and I get a pang of guilt in my belly.

"Mates? Who is he talking about mum?" Safaa butts in.

They'd never known about minding their own business.

"Tell them yourself Zayn." Mum rubs her temples to calm her nerves I assume.

Three pair of eyes look at me expectantly.

"We have new neighbors. And one of them is my boyfriend." I say solemnly spearing a piece of broccoli with my fork.

Vampire boyfriend, I leave out.

"Zayn you fancy boys?!" Waliya gasps.

My face heats up as everyone watches me close, expectantly. I don't know whether they're waiting for a proper coming out or waiting for me to gush about Niall like some little school girl.

"His name is Niall." I try, my stomache doing relentless flips.

Immediately all the girls start talking excitedly at once, throwing questions and enthusiastic comments of support at me. My heart melts a bit seeing my sisters so okay with everything. I've mum and my sisters on board with support. I suppose there is a God, I smile wryly.

"Does dad know?" Doniya asks.

I glance at mum. The only way he'd know is if Mum told him but I don't see mum betraying my secret that way.

"No, I don't think he does." I answer.

"Are you going to tell him?" Waliya questions.

"Girls, it's up to Zayn. Dear, don't feel any pressure." Mum reaches over to place a warm hand over mine.

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