Seven - Tainted Love

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-Zayn’s Point of View-

“Invite me in.”

“Come inside.” The words slide past my lips before things have a chance to register in my head. I invited a lethal creature of the night hell bent on killing the one I love and perhaps me as well into my bedroom.

Nice job Zayn, the little voice in my head chastises.

The boy’s lovely mouth turns up at the corners as he lithely slips into my bedroom.

My heart is thudding so hard in my chest, my palms going slick and my entire body begins to throb. I watch the boy intently as he takes inventory of my room. While he does, I survey him.

My eyes travel up from his black sneakers and fitted black jeans to his black jacket and black t-shirt. Quite a vibrant color palate. He’s not exactly muscular but very lean. And very attractive. Yet not as attractive as Niall. While Niall’s brimming with innocence, this lad is just the opposite. I always thought myself as the bad boy type but looking at this lad, I might have to rethink that.

“I see you’re rather fond of my little Niall.” He comments, facing me and sticking his hands in his jacket pockets.

“I think it’s safe to say he isn’t yours anymore.” My jaw clenches.

Suddenly this lad doesn’t seem so beautiful to me anymore. It could be the fact that he’s talking about Niall as if he owns him, as if he’s a piece of property and that isn’t okay with me.

“That’s where you are mistaken, mate.” He laughs tracing his hand on the pillow of my bed, the pillow Niall sleeps on. “I’m only here to take back what’s rightfully mine.” He picks up the pillow and inhales deeply.

My heart is hammering violently and I try to think of what the hell I can do in this situation. I could possibly die. Is there even a chance that I could fight him off? I’ve had my fair share of brawls but the smarter part of me tells me I might end up face down dead going up against a vamp.

“Niall smells wonderful doesn’t he? At first I thought it was because he was a virgin but even afterwards, he still smelled delightful.”

I’m blinded with pure rage. Like a football player, I attempt to tackle him but he effortlessly pins me down the way Niall does with his hands like vices on my wrists. Instead of perched on my lap like Niall usually is in the position, the lad has one knee pressed hard against my chest and the other on the ground.

“Don’t be an idiot, unless you have a death wish.” He warns, the brown in his eyes turning nearly black becoming indistinguishable against the pupil.

I should shut the fuck up but I can’t.

“Niall doesn’t want you.” I growl through my teeth.

This guy is like a psycho ex-boyfriend. It must be a lot easier to stalk someone as a fucking vamp.

“You think you know what Niall wants? Niall doesn’t know how to protect anyone. I mean look, I could easily rip your throat out. He wants to be protected, and you my darling, cannot do that. You’re a weak human, a burden. If I don’t kill you, he probably will by accident.”

“He’s gonna change me.” I say, refusing to believe his words.

“If that was true then he would’ve done it already.”

“He loves me and I’m his mate.”

This visibly makes him angry.

“I’ve killed humans for far less.” He closes his eyes and exhales with frustration.

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