Twelve - Dark Paradise

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-Niall’s Point of View-

I knew I’d felt his presence. I thought it was impossible but there he is and I feel the familiar pull in my chest again. I’d always felt this pull. It’s what bonds me to Sam. To feel that bond just vanish, initially put me in shock. In a strange way, I’m relieved.

Still, I’m ready for a fight if that’s what it comes down to.

“Niall, it was a joke. I’m not gonna eat your little boyfriend.” Sam rolls his eyes.

“Then what do you want?” Zayn seethes.

“Pipe down, grown-ups are talking.” Sam raises an eyebrow at Zayn.

Zayn takes a step forward but I pull him back. Sam crosses his arms, the leather of his black jacket tightening over his biceps. Sam looks like he’s fighting back a smile.

“Don’t get so brave just because you have your silly mates here. Oh, I see your arm is doing okay. Shall I break the other? You know, even things out?”

My anger flares.

“You will not speak to him that way.” I warn Sam. “What do you want?” I question trying to stand my ground even though Sam’s ever commanding tone nearly gets to me.

The urge to please him and be submissive is trying to push its way to the surface.

“What? No ‘thanks’ for saving your cute little arse?” Sam demands.

I’m a little embarrassed at his phrasing but I would be dead without him.

“Thank you. How are you alive? I didn’t feel your presence until a few minutes ago.” I sigh.

“Well, Niall, after you nearly sucked me dry, my blood not my cock, I’m equally surprised I was able to be revived. I just took a little longer to get better is all. I’m a thousand years old, no sun is gonna take me out.” Sam winks at me.

Everyone shuffles awkwardly. I think Zayn’s grip on me tightens but I can’t be too sure.

“What? Didn’t Niall tell you? After he practically drank me dry, I went after him and if I hadn’t covered him with my body…well, he’d be dead thanks to the sun and to be honest I’d kill the rest of you if that were the case.”

The others exchange tense  glances. Liam’s eyes linger on me.

My stomache churns at Sam’s words. In a way it’s sort of noble. He would avenge me if I had died, not really the best way to deal with grief but it’s sort of sweet. Of course all of this is his entire fault anyways but I doubt he sees that. It is him that sent that stupid shifter girl to kill Zayn and if he hadn’t opened his big fat mouth I wouldn’t have tried to escape.

But then Zayn would be dead and I’d have nothing to go back to. I would have to go back to Sam since there’d be no one else. I can’t love Sam the way I love Zayn, yet it’s undeniable that Samuel has got a permanent place in my heart, a place that I can’t get rid of like he’s tattooed there forever.

“Interesting but I think we’ll skip the casualties.” Zayn says, pure venom in his voice that excites me despite our current circumstances.

“You did drink a shit load of my blood, you know. I reckon you’ll be dreaming of me fucking you for weeks. By the smell of it….you still haven’t even bedded your human. What a joke.” Sam shakes his head.

“You’re still weak. I could kill you. Why don’t you get to the point?” I ask angrily, trying to change the subject. The lads don’t need to know about mine and Zayn’s sex life…or lack of one.

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