One - Enchanted

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Things go back to normal for the most part for the next few days.

Dad’s still gone. Mom’s still drinking. At least I have work to distract me.

I work the morning shift at some small comic book shop. I think I only got the job because the owner’s daughter fancies me quite a bit but she’s away doing some study abroad type thing in Paris leaving me and her older sister Samantha working in the store. The store is usually empty which leaves me reading comics all day.

“Good morning. Want some tea?” Sammie offers.

I simply nod as I shrug off my jacket.

“Did you have a rough night or something?” She asks handing me a steaming cup of tea.

I shake my head and half-smile.

“I’m always here, love.”

I glance at Sammie.

Samantha Jane Moreaux. She’s a beauty with deep red hair and smooth peach skin. I’ve gotten to know her well working here. Unlike her younger sister Lucy, Sammie is Australian with a cute little accent. From what I gather, their parents split when they were young. Lucy stayed with her mum in Bradford and Sam stayed with her father in Sydney.  Sam came back to the UK to attend uni nearby studying art and creative writing. She’s twenty years old, three years my senior.

In the back of my head, I know she wants something more than friendship with me but I don’t share the same romantic feelings. I should be attracted to her but there isn’t that spark or whatever it is they say you’re supposed to feel when I’m near her. At least she’s not as cheeky and over bearing as her younger sister.

I read comic books until it’s time to go home.

It’s been four days in total since I’ve seen the boy. Since then I’ve seen the other boys except for him.

There’s Curly, a boy with green eyes that glow like emeralds and curly brown hair that teenage girls would throw their panties at.

There’s Toms, the boy with green-blue eyes and warm beige skin. Unlike the rest of the lads, he smiles from time to time. He’s also got a penchant for wearing TOMs.

Lastly, there’s Plaid, he usually has this serious expression on his boyish face. He’s got a very cute set of lips and caring brown eyes. He also wears plaid shirts quite often.

It’s usually the three of them that come and go from the flat.

Angel Eyes is no wear to be seen.

I wait in the cold on the jungle gym for him to make another appearance but I go home each night in disappointment. Did I offend him? Would it be sensible for me to just go to his flat and ask for him? I don’t even know his name though. Maybe he was just a mate of the lads that stayed with them that one night and that’s why I haven’t seen him since.

I come home and there’s a note on the fridge saying that mum is out visiting my aunt but there’s food for me in the microwave. I shake my head. It’s just like her to do that.

I grab my Gameboy SP and head to the jungle gym.

I’m playing Super Mario when he appears. This time he’s wearing a black pea coat and wellies.

“What are you playing?” He asks looking over my shoulder.

“Super Mario.” I smile.

He looks at me in confusion. His cute blue eyes shift to the small screen of the game in my hands.

“You’ve never heard of Super Mario?” I ask.

He shakes his head. His pale cheeks slowly heat up turning a cute crimson color. He steps a little closer and I chew on the inside of my bottom lip.

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