Three - Everlong

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-Zayn's Point of View-

No work today which means I have to inevitably stay home trapped with my parents. I lie in bed listening to them scream back and forth to each other. I bury my head beneath the pillow to try to block it out but it doesn’t work. I don’t think they’ll ever run out of things to argue about.

I roll out of bed and pull on a navy blue jumper with some sneakers. At this point I don’t care if I freeze my arse off outside. I take a deep breath before stepping out of my room and through the war zone that is the living room.

“Zayn! Where the hell d’you think you’re going?” Dad stops yelling at mum momentarily to yell at me.

I’m standing only a foot away from the door. I’m so close to being away from this bloody flat.

Out. What do you care?” I mumble.

He grabs me roughly by the bicep and forces me to look at him. I flinch a bit.

“What did you just say to me?” He growls.

I shake my head. I don’t normally cross paths with my dad. So this is rare.

“You talked back to me.” He says matter-of-factly.

“I’m sorry sir-“

He punches me square in the jaw sending me stumbling back until I drop to the ground. My head spins wildly. I feel like it should a lot more than it should but it only stings and my mouth fills with the coppery taste of blood. Blood. Niall. I connect those two things now for some reason.

This sends my parents into another argument distracting them while I go back to my bedroom and lock the door wishing I could just go to Niall’s but I know all those lads are there with him. I kick off my shoes and smoke an entire pack of cigarettes. I sit by the windowsill and watch the sun go down.

The front door slams and relief floods my body. My parents are finally gone. Friday is my parents’ date night. It’s a little ironic seeing as their ‘date’ means taking their fighting out of the house and to some other public place.

My lip aches where my dad hit me.

It’s eleven o’clock at night when a tapping on my window rouses me from sleep. I get up from bed and my eyes focus on the blonde shock of hair outside my window. I unlatch the lock and lift the window up.

“You could’ve knocked on the door.” I tell him rubbing the sleep from my eyes until Niall’s features come into focus.

“Your parents scare me.”

That’s all the reason in the world to enter the window.

“You have to invite me.” He says quietly standing on the threshold of the window.


“Invite me in.”

“Niall, please come inside?”

He slips into the room lithely like an agile cat. Tonight he’s got on a light blue V-neck with a gray hoodie over it and skinny jeans. His hair looks a bit darker brown but his eyes are blue as ever.

“Wait…how’d you? I mean…this is the second floor? Do you have wings?” I question yawning.

“It doesn’t matter. What happened to you?” He questions with sadness in his voice, his features distressing.

I’m confused until I realize he’s talking about my lip.

“Is it that bad?” My hand flies up to touch it and I could feel the dried blood.

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