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 Reece's P.O.V:

Last night was really cool! We went to a One Direction concert! We had lots of fun. When we got back to the boys' house Zayn noticed that Kari's stuff had gone.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, that's what I say.

Last night we all stayed at the boys' house, which was fun. Abi was hyper because she had five cans of Coke before she went to bed and Nikki was over the moon, because she's met One Direction and is now very friendly with them. Especially Haz.

And, the best bit was that Zayn didn't seem too bothered that Kari had broken up with him and that she was gone.

I was happy all night. Until I fell asleep, but the boys told me that I was smiling in my sleep.

Anyway, I woke up this morning and thought:

I shoot up in bed careful not to jostle Zayn (Don't say anything. He carried me to bed, because I was dead on my feet and he probably thought that I wouldn't mind him sleeping beside me, which I don't) and I get up, slipping out of the room silently.

I find Liam, Harry, Niall, Abi and Nikki in the kitchen discussing something. They don't stop talking when I entered the room, so it can't be about me.

'Yeah, so that's what you've got him?' Abi asks. Liam, Niall and Harry nod.

'Right. Well, Nikki, Reece and I have got to get him something.' Abi says. She looks up and says:

'Morning Sleeping Beauty!'. They all grin. I roll my eyes and ask:

'What are you talking about guys?'

'Birthday presents for Lou.' Nikki answers me, her head in her hands.

'Oh. Ok.' I reply, sitting down at the table.

'Have you got him something?' Liam asks me.

'No. I have an idea though...' I say vaguely.

'Well, get dressed pronto! We need to go shopping!' Nikki says. I stand up and go up to Zayn's room, get my clothes and get dressed. I brush my teeth and pull my hair into a ponytail. Then I go back downstairs and meet Abi and Nikki in the hall.

'I'm driving!' Nikki says, taking keys and we follow her to a car.

I buckle myself in after giving Abi a glance. She buckles herself in too and we set off to go shopping. She turns the radio on and listen to music.

'Ok, what's your idea?' Nikki asks me as she parks the car.

'Let's go to a masquerade shop or whatever you call it.' I say. We find one, eventually and Nikki squeals:

'What about we get him a superman suit or something?!'

'That's what I was thinking Nikki!' I say. We all laugh and we enter the shop.

Abi finds a cool superman suit and we go to buy it.

'Hey, what if we can get an inscription on it?' Nikki asks us. I nod.

'Carrot Man or something!' Abi and me chorus. We burst out laughing.

'Can we have an inscription on it?' Nikki asks the clerk. She nods and asks:

'What's the inscription?'

'Carrot Man.' We all chorus, giggling. The clerk raises her eyebrow at us.

'We need it urgently.' Nikki puts in. She nods and says:

'I'll just be a minute.' she says, disappearing through a door. We wait for five minutes and then she returns with the suit.

It's Gotta Be You {One Direction/Zayn Malik}Where stories live. Discover now