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Companion Song:
Crushcrushcrush by Paramore
Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one, two, I was just counting on
That never happens, I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than this now

I. Hate. My. Name. Ivy Madrigal L'stonia Sable Wiles. It's long and weird and stupid. I hate the way it's spelled, and I hate the way it sounds. I hate the way it's supposed to represent the dark, black hair and pale, white skin I was born with, and I hate the way my parents defend the familial history behind it.

But sometimes... Sometimes I hate being a student at the Pionscor Academy of Magic even more. I hate living in the oldest, moldiest, and smelliest parts of the castle, and I hate the double - or actually, triple - standard they have for the Harpy and Wyvern Styles.

I hate that the witches, sorcerers, wizards, magicians, spellcasters, enchantresses, and warlocks of those Styles get to enjoy fancy dormitories with rich tapestries and fireplaces that actually work. And I really hate that the snotty Wyvern Style brats who were lucky enough to be born into rich, famous, or powerful families get a full wait staff at their every beck and call. I hate how vampires and thropes, fauns and centaurs, first-generation magicals, and unlucky children of famous criminals and outcasts get quarantined into Ketu Style where we're treated like second-class citizens.

But right now... Right now I hate the fact that I can't even read in peace.

"Watch out!" a random voice shouts while I'm lost in my copy of The Priority of Harvest Moon for Creatures of the Night. I look up and see a ball hurtling toward me at lightning speed across the wide green lawn.

"Ahh!" I cover my face and wait for impact, but nothing happens. Instead, I just hear some laughter coming from a group of kids dressed in green and gold. The small logo over their hearts shows a two-legged, winged reptile breathing fire. Great. Typical Wyvern Style pranks on the first day of school.

One of the spellcasters is using his wand to halt the ball in mid-air while I freak out. The others are covering their heads with their arms in mockery of me. All of there are laughing. I sigh and shoot them an angry glare before grabbing the ball and throwing it back as hard as I can.

One of them eggs me on, "What's the matter, little vampy? Haven't had your fill of bloodsucking yet today?"

A sudden rush of fury lights up in me, but I don't want to start the year off on such a bad note, so I try ignoring them.

"Don't get her too mad. She'll suck all the blood from your veins!" Another one of them jokes.

I keep my head down and try to focus on the words I was reading earlier, but I can feel myself losing it. They know I'm not a true vampire yet, but the goading continues.

"She can suck something else if she wants," the first one replies.

I lose it. Throwing my book to the side, I stand up and shout at the top of my lungs, "I'm not undead yet!"

They stare at me with wide eyes for a second before cracking up again. I contemplate breaking my neck right there so I can be reborn as a true vampire with the ability to rip them to shreds, but the voice of a tall, bald man stops me.

"Now, now. There'll be none of that," the beady eyed Professor Adder chides me before turning to the other students and leading them away with jokes and nonsensical banter.

I stay standing for a while watching them disappear into the castle. My fist is clenched so hard it begins to hurt, but I tighten it. Thoughts of Dr. Adder's complete bias towards Wyvern Style just reminds me of all the privileges they get over us.

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