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Companion Song:
Hands of Love by Miley Cyrus
When the water spills, the glass will break
It drips like tears, running up your face
And the hounds will cry, for the dance of war
But the sons of joy, their victory will soar
Me longing to be free, I won't let you fade away
We shed so many dreams, I'll let them fade away

By the time Murie helps me stumble into the auditorium, my tears are dried up. I'm not sure what I'm feeling anymore, but the rush of anxiety is gone for now.

Headmaster Grundel is already addressing the entire student body from the middle of the stage, so we slip into a couple empty seats in the back.

"-grave tragedy. We neither have the details of the incident, nor do we wish to violate the privacy of the family in their time of grief. As this was an isolated and apparently self-inflicted incident, we ask that each of you continue per course for Pionscor until all inquiries into the situation have been completed," his voice bounces off the walls, but it's dead quiet otherwise, "Those of you who know the identity of the student are requested to keep it to yourselves until the time an official statement can be made by Pionscor to the community at large.

"Should any of you have details to share about the incident, we ask that you come to us discreetly during one of the breaks between classes. Ketu Magical Remedies will be relocated to the library in the meantime. Any student found in or near the barricaded classroom will be severely reprimanded without exception," his voice rises as a warning that no one would dare to cross, "If any of you should be found violating the privacy of the student or family, who are scheduled to arrive in a few days' time, you will also be severely reprimanded without exception.

"For the time being, Ketu students will be confined to the campus like the rest of the students. They may, however, still make use of the forest for their unique individual needs when it is necessary. All school-sanctioned activities for the weekend will be cancelled or postponed. More details will be delivered by Vicemaster York in a moment," he says before pausing for a long minute to scan everyone in the auditorium. His face looks as calm as ever, but there are creases around his eyes that I never saw before. Even his usually muscular body looks a little thinner, and his clean-shaved face seems to have a shadow. I know I'm just imagining it, but I need to feel like someone else is as drained as I feel.

It's only been about twenty minutes since I found Rex's body. Anything that would affect him wouldn't show up so quickly, but Headmaster Grundel clears his throat. And this time I know I'm not imagining him doing something he never does. It doesn't make me feel good to know he's not as comfortable with everything as he usually is, but it helps.

I notice that Murie is quiet next to me. She hasn't said anything since we came in. She is just sitting in her chair and listening without breathing like I am.

Headmaster Grundel looks like he wants to say something more, but at the last second he turns his head and nods at the administrators and teachers sitting on stage.

Vicemaster York stands up and walks to the podium to make his announcements. He scratches his head. Then he scratches his beard. Finally he levitates himself to stand above the podium. He looks bad compared to Headmaster Grundel, and every second seems to make it even worse. I get a feeling that he's lucky he hasn't really had time to think about what happened yet.

He clears his throat, and mumbles, "Thank you, Wostan," to the headmaster. Then he turns his attention to the rest of us, "As Headmaster Grundel said, all activities this weekend will be cancelled or postponed. This-" His voice cracks, but he clears his throat and keeps saying, "This means the decathlon orientation will be moved to the following weekend. Any schedule changes that are affected by this will be changed later. All other school activities planned for this weekend are cancelled."

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