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Companion Song:
Hardest Part by Laura Welsh
I open up my heart, just a little part
Though my mind says no
If you're so close to me
Why do you remain a mystery?
I've analysed enough, feel like giving up
When my doubts take hold

Late afternoon the next day, I make my way to the courtyard for the trophy ceremony. I don't really feel like going, but I promised Murie I would be there. There are less people around than the final match, but most of the chairs in front of the stage are still filled. Most of the students who showed up are from Ketu Style, but there's a few Wyverns and enough Harpies around to make it a school event.

I search for Murie knowing to look near the front, but the low sun makes it hard to see anything at all. Luckily, I spot Akuma's tall body in the distance and make my way through the milling students. Murie has a seat saved for me in the front row with them right next to the podium.

"Hey," I say slipping next to Murie.

Akuma clicks his tongue with a nod at me. He seems like he's in a better mood today. Murie give me a big smile, but she doesn't have her usual energy because she's still recovering from overdoing her transformation again.

"How are you feeling?" she half says and half mumbles.

I shrug because I'm not over Rex yet. And the visions I had again last night didn't exactly help, but I don't feel as panicky and furious as I did before. "I'm okay," I tell her, trying to convince myself that it's true.

She nods lightly but doesn't say anything, and Headmaster Grundel arrives to officially announce the champion class and christen the trophy. He takes a seat next to the podium while Vicemaster York follows right behind him, waddling and trying to keep up.

When he finally reaches the stage, Vicemaster York clears his throat and waves everyone to quiet down and sit. "Greetings, students! I hope you all had a wonderful tournament both playing and watching. I know I did," he says from behind the podium. I can barely see his head because he's so short, but mid-speech, he casts a levitation spell to raise himself up by a few inches. "This year's winners could have been any of the teams in the very close matches, but without further to do, here is Headmaster Grundel who will be presenting the trophy to the champions of this year's tournament!"

Vicemaster York lowers himself again, and the students clap ferociously. Some whistle, and even Murie jumps up and down as enthusiastic as usual. The energy is so great that I can't hold back my excitement either. It might only be a silly tag tournament, but beating the other fourteen classes in the school does feel good.

"Thank you, Vicemaster York," the headmaster's voice booms when he takes the podium. The crowd immediately quiets down when he raises his arm. I can't help but notice that even through his baggy shirt, his muscles are obvious. There's definitely a reason he's such a respected warlock, at least on the west coast. "This year was another fantastic one for the annual Tag Tournament, and I have to say I am a little surprised - although not at all disappointed - with the results!" I hear a few hard stomps from some centaurs in the back, but most of the audience is quietly listening. "It came down to the graduating class of Harpy Style and the third year Ketu Style. With a match that changed tides more than once, I can only say that it could have gone either way." He motions to the vicemaster, who brings the trophy that's almost as large as he is to the stage. "Please bring your hands together for this year's winning team: Ketu Style, Third Year!"

Another round of whistles, stomps, and cheers follow as we stand up and wave. Murie gives me a giant hug and slobbery kiss on my face that I wish she hadn't. She carries Akuma an inch off the ground in a bearhug and then adds whistles to the applause. I look over at Akuma and he's laughing happily, too. I smile thinking how this is the best I've felt all week.

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