Pocky Challenge

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It is a rundown of lovable memories and a fun game...

End of synopsis

Rima tapped on her phone quickly and loudly. Her fingers pressed the keys: P-O-C-K-Y

For the next 3 days, Nagihiko was Rima's slave. He was to do everything she wanted. And when it came to her hunger, he would have to go the closest store to get her her favorite snack: Pocky.

Rima: I want all of the flavors of Pocky there are in that store.

Nagi: Okay Ohime-sama.

Rima: You'd better. You know you lost fair and square.

Nagi: Yeah I know. Give me 10 minutes.

Rima: Make it 8 minutes.

Nagi secretly smiled at his phone as he exited his house and began his walk tot he store. He had a small teeny tiny crush on his friend. It had grown since the winter of 6th grade...


"Like this." Nagihiko wrapped his arms around Rima and assisted her in whipping the cream for choux pastries. As he took her hand his breath quickened. He didn't know what this heart-thumping feeling was. Doki.

Although Suu was busy over-looking the failing Amu, she caught this flirtatious act through the corner of her eye. Well well well. From Nagi's pocket, she caught his blue egg shake. Is this what Nagi had to do to hatch his egg. (Be a flirt, that is.) Doki Doki.

At the same time, Rima felt her cheeks burn red. She tried her best to put on an annoyed face when she really wanted to crawl in a ball, smiling of course. Doki Doki Doki.


And now it was their second year of high-school together. She still acted as though she could care less about his feelings. (And of how hot he looked.) But using Nagi's flirting skills, her heart beat softly whenever he smiled or even looked at her. There was that one time...


Rima was in 8th grade. She didn't really understand the math concept her teacher was lecturing about, so she scratched down things in her notebook. It was a checklist of things to do when she was bored in class, and of course in school overall. 

1. Draw Amu as a chibi. [check]

2. In written form, rant about things that bother you. [check]

3. Glare at the teacher... And anyone who you dislike at the time. [check]

4. Imagine that your punching Saaya. [check]

5. Punch Saaya. [on hold]

6. Write a comic and perfect your humor. [CHECK]

7. Laugh about how you already have an amazing sense of humor. [check]

8. Look to see what your friends are doing. {ch-

It was then that she realized she wasn't the only one bored and on number 8 on their checklist. She gazed at the purple haired boy sitting near the window. His eyes were looking back at her since he sat a few rows ahead of her. They were fixed on her for sure. Rima's heart fluttered and her stomach had too many butterflies. His eyes had a new look to them. He looked at her with so much thought and it almost looked far away because it looked like he wanted to be close.

Rima blushed and looked down. Why had he looked at her as if he... as if he... loved her?


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