Chapter 6 - It's finally over

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~kana pov~
I was sleeping soundly when suddenly as usual Len wake me up. I yawn and stretch my hands. Honestly i wanted to continue sleeping cause I'm really tired but I don't want to keep Len waiting so yea. If he's not here I'm sure I'll be sleeping right now and wake up late for school. The reason I feel tired it's not because of the festival. It's because my mind had been thinking about Kaito...again. I started to remember about things happen yesterday. It keeps replaying on my mind. Which is why i have a hardtime sleeping. I quickly rush down and greet len. "Good morning sleepyhead" he greet me with a smiled. " yea yea"I replyas I yawn we then start walking to school together. On the way, I keep on yawning. I wish I have the ability to sleep walking right now. Urghh I'm so tired.

~len pov~
I was happy to see kana chan in a good shape. However I notice that she was really tired. Probably it's because of yesterday. We hang out together for a long time. I wouldn't surprise that she's tired. I then remembered that kana chan meet kaito. "Hey are you? Still thinking about him?" I ask her due to my curiousity. I know that I shouldn't ask her about it but I'm just worried about her. "Him?" "Kaito" instead of a reply she just nod. I guess she doesn't really want to admit it. "Kana chan can i ask you something?" "Sure" "....Do you still like Kaito? " I ask her wondering if she has move on. She then stop walking and look down. Ahh why did I ask that. "....Hmm it's ok if you can't answer-" before i could finish my line she cut me off." .... I honestly don't know." I just kept quiet  not knowing what to say. She then continued " I mean I still like him but I'm.....sure. Before I meet him yesterday i thought that I've move on cause I have you Len " I was slightly shock when I heard that. Does that mean I still have a chance ? ".... but" "but?" "the moment when I'm with him I felt really happy. It's like I wished that time would just stop. Well that's just how I feel but certain part of me felt really sad because of what he did to me. I was really glad that I could find you just in time or else I need to spend more time with him" she smile and continue to walk. I was stun when I hear that. I could feel that my cheeks are glowing red. Yosh I'm gonna give another try to confess.

~kaito pov~
I was awake by a doorbell. I open the door to see Miku standing there. She seems different...maybe it's just my imagination but she seems happier I presume. "Good morning kaito kun~ " she hug and kiss my cheek. "I miss you so much. I was really bored yesterday because you were busy but it's ok i understand it's not like you were going out to the festival alone ....right" she say as her expression change out of the sudden. My heart drop when i heard that. How did she know? More importantly what should i say to her? " o-of course not." I gave her a faked smile. I then pat her head but she brush my hand away. I was shock by her action. "M-miku..." "liar..." "w-what do you mean miku ?" I ask her.
Don't tell me the foot step that i was her. " my friend say she saw you with that ex of yours alone. I thought maybe she was lying so i went to the festival and i was shock. You were so close to her. I then follow you home to make sure that you're going home and not hanging out with your ex" "..." i kept silent. "Why did you lie to me kaito kun. I never lie to you. Could it be that you still.." that's it. Time to end this act. I'm tired of lying and hurting kana. "Yea. Isn't it obvious that i have no feeling for you? The only reason why i have a relationship with you it's because of my dad. I was force to break up with kana the girl that i truly love for you ...the girl that i don't like." I look at her with a serious expression. I can tell that she was quite shock and hurt. I guess i said something so mean. "....kaito kun ...i know that. I know that you never like me."she say blankly....Ehh? What? She know and yet.." Which is why i ask my dad to do something so that i get to be with you kaito kun" she continued and smile. My jaws drop. I didn't know that this whole thing was her plan all along. I was so mad. I could feel that I'm legit boiling inside. I wanted to slap the shit out of her but i restraint myself cause she is a girl. " I've had enough playing your relationship game. I'm ending this relationship even if it means to betray my dad. " i said angrily. I'm so done with her game. " kaito kun you only know how to talk. You will never betray your dad "she still smiling. Its true that i never betray my dad cause i promise my mom to take care for my dad for her but not this time. Please forgive me mom. I can't keep our promise. "Watch me" i slam the door right across her face. I went to my room and lay down on my bed. Urgh I'm not ready to go to school. My mind is a mess. I feel so tired. Why must things become more complicated. Anyway the only good thing is that I'm finally free from that bitch. The only thing i need to think now is how to apologize to kana and tell her the truth to fix everything back. Then everything will be normal again. Thinking about it making me feel sleepy. The next thing i realize was i fell asleep. Suddenly i fell down from my bed. " Ouch my back " I look at my clock. " ohh shit I'm late" i quickly rush to get ready. As i was about to leave the house, i was hoping that she was not there. Lucky for me she wasn't. I then quickly grab my bike and cycle as fast as i can.

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