Chapter 3 - culprit

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~miku pov~
I was on my way to school with kaito-kun. I feel so happy cause finally he break up with his girlfriend. That mean I no need to hold back. Now Kaito really belongs to me. Suddenly we meet his ex who is walking with a blonde hair. Len was it? Whatever i don't care about other guy except for my Kaito-kun. I wanted to make her jealous so I hold his hand. Out of blue, Len call my Kaito Bakaito. How dare he call Kaito that? Kaito was so pissed and as if he want ready to beat someone up. I didn't know he will get this mad just by people calling him that. I drag him away from them. We just making it worse if we stay around. I notice that he look at his ex for a moment and started to walk away. Is it just me or I feel like Kaito is jealous....jealous? Why should he? He already have me and beside shes his ex. As we enter our class we sit at our  own seat. Kaito was sitting quite close to kana. Well as for me, I was sitting right at back corner. Why am i so far away from kaito-kun? When the class start , I couldn't help myself but stare at Kaito for a long time.

After our class end, it's time for recess. Throughout the class I realized that Kaito was looking at Kana the whole time. He...never look at me. I convince myself that he had his own reason for doing so and the reason is not because he still like her or jealous. I grab my lunch box and went to his sit. I had the feeling that Len notice us when the moment he start draging kana away. Hmm possibly he had feeling for her. Well in that case i no need to worry about her anymore. She'll probably fell on him and leave kaito-kun alone. Suddenly when I look at kaito kun, I was shock to see his expression. It was like as if he was looking at someone that he hate so much. I ignore that fact and continue eating with him. Honestly we didn't really talk that much. Whenever I start the conversation he didn't seem to pay attention to me. It's like he's in his own world. This never happen before. It started when he start seeing Kana with Len. That's right it's all her fault. If only she doesn't exist then my Kaito wouldn't act like this towards me.

After recess time over, I help Kiyoteru-sensei to bring his stuff to the classroom. On my way I saw kana entering the toilet. Lucky for me there was a  pail that is filled with dirty water. I sniff it and I nearly vomit. I carry it and splash it on to her without knowing it was me. Once I'm done I quickly throw the pail away and rush to the class while carrying teachers stuff. I act like nothing happen. After we greet the teacher , finally Kana enter the class. Everyone was pinching their nose even sensei. I smiled when I look at the way they look at her. It satisfied me. Sensei told her to stand outside alone. That's what you get for making my Kaito kun like this. But i was naive. I look at Kaito. What's with that face? You never show those feeling towards me. He was so worried about her but why? I thought that I already own Kaito entirely.

~kana pov~
I took a deep breath as I'm well prepared of what gonna happen when I enter the class. Everybody was pinching their nose except for Len. I can tell that Len is really worry about me. I simply give him a smile. "What happen to you Kana-san? Mind explaining" Kiyoteru sensei ask me as he pinch his nose. This is so embarrassing. "Well I trip over a pail and it splash onto me ahaha" I lied to him. I laugh while rubbing my head. "You smell so terrible. I'm sorry but I can't have you in my class. You need to stand outside. I'll help you to find a new uniform after this class end" I was glad that sensei didn't get mad at me instead he wanted to help me. " Thank you so much Kiyoteru-sensei" I thanked him and bow before I leave the class. Damn I didn't know standing outside alone can be this lonely. I sigh deeply. Can I have a break from all these?

~Len pov~
"Hmm why's kana chan so late?" I mumble to myself. Suddenly someone enter the class, it was Kiyoteru sensei. It's kinda disappoint me cause i thought it was Kana chan but I was wrong. Not long after that Kana chan enter the class. I was shock to see her. She was wet and smell really bad. What happen to her? Did someone bully her? She notice that I was looking at her as she gave me a smile as if it can reassure me. "Well I trip over a pail and it splash onto me ahaha"she lied to teacher. She can fool everyone but not me. I know she was lying. Teacher ask her to stand outside the class. She obey him. "Please take out your history book and turn to page 84" teacher say as he write the page on the board. As he was about to start teaching, I raised my hand to catch his attention. "What is it Kagamine-san?" "I forgot to bring my textbook" "Hmm stand outside with Kana-san" he say as he sigh. Actually I brought the book to school. I lied to him because I want to be with Kana chan. I'm sure shes feeling lonely right now.

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