Chapter 5 - The Truth

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~Kaito pov~
It's been a month since I've been dating Miku and yet I still have no idea to tell Kana. What if she's angry? What if she gets upset? I don't want to hurt her. Suddenly I hear a door ringing. I open the door to see Miku standing there. Honestly I wasn't surprised to see her here. She always visit me when I'm alone. I'm kinda disappointed that it wasn't Kana. "Kaito kun..." she look down. "hmm what's wrong?" I asked her and bring her to my room. She remain silent. "You can tell me anything you want. I'm here for you" I forced a smile. "Can we make our relationship official. I don't want to be your side chick. It hurt whenever I see you so close with that girl. That girl don't deserve you" she look at me seriously. That girl...that girl... she has a name. I was mad the fact that she called Kana that girl. Even so I remain calm. " I'll think about it. I don't want to hurt her" I pat her head. " Kaito kun...." "hmm?" Suddenly she look at me straight in my eyes intensely. It send shiver in my spine. "Kaito kun? Do you even like me?" "W-why you ask you Miku ? Of course I do." I answered her with a caring tone as I caressed her cheek . "Prove it. Kiss me now" she demand. It seems that she doesn't believe it. I pull her head closer to mine and kiss her lips passionately.

Suddenly I hear a footsteps. I wanted to break the kiss but Miku hug me even more and kiss me again. "Baka baka BAKA!!! KAITO BAKA!! How could you do this to me?!" My eyes widen as I can feel my heart drop. That voice....Kana. I quickly look at her. She was breaking down. I never see her like this. She used to be so cheerful and now....she's broken. It hurt when I see her cry. Those tears, that angry's all because of me. "I-i can explain this" I wanted to explain to her but I can feel that Miku was looking through my soul. It like she's testing me. She wanted to see how much I love her. I hug her tightly in my arm. I can tell that my action make Kana even more sad. "You LIED TO ME. I thought.....I thought you were different.... but I was wrong" it hurt when she say that. I didn't know that she thought of me in that way. "....I-I'm sorry Kana. I was about to tell you but-" before I could finish my sentence she cut me up. "SHUT UP. Do you know how much it hurt when the person who you truly care just betray you huh?!" Suddenly I feel that Miku is hugging my arm tighter" K-kaito-kun I'm scare " Can't she read the situation? She's just making it worse. Wait a minute...don't tell me that is her intention. This is why I hate her so much. How am I supposed to act as her boyfriend when I can't even stand her presence?" It's ok Miku. Everything gonna be alright" I smiled at her and pat her head like a caring boyfriend. If only I told her earlier. I thought to myself. "We're through ! "she shouted and ran away. D-did we just break up? I ... I didn't expect this to happen. I wanted to explain to her what actually happen cause then maybe we can solve my problem together. If only I told her earlier. I start thinking about her. I was so worry about her. Who knows what is she thinking? She never act like this even when she was young. " Kaito kun you do really love me" she say happily. Urghh can i get rid of her? " of course i do" I smile sweetly and hug her tight. If only I didn't agree to it. This won't happen.

"Hmm what is it dad? " I pick up my phone. "I want to see you. Don't be late" he say in a serious tone and hang up on me. I wonder why. My guts tell me that I shouldn't go but I'm curious. I wonder what make my dad this serious. Whenever he is serious that means something is going to happen. Something important but what? I try to think every possible thing that can be reason. The next thing I realize I was at the front of a building. It was my dad's company, The Shion Company. As I went it, everyone greet me formally. Honestly I hate it. They just look at me as the next successor of the company and not for who I am. I take the lift and press the highest floor.

I took a deep breathe and enter my dad's room. There was another guy there. I wonder who that was. "That's my son Kaito" "Nice to meet you sir" I bow politely. "there's no need to be formal. Beside you're gonna be my son in law" he say as he smile. Wait a minute .... son in law.... I look at my dad and I expect him to give me a full explanation about it. I never agree to this. "By the way this is Hatsune Mikuo. He's the owner of the biggest company in the country. Anyways we agree to work together but in order to do so we decided that our daughter and son should get married but since you're still young I guess you could say engagement." I was shocked when I hear about it. I should have trusted my guts. I regret for coming. "But dad I already have a girlfriend" I say as I unconsciously slam both of my hand onto the table. "Well I guess we couldn't do anything about it." Mikuo sigh. " No worry Mikuo-san. Kaito told me that he has no feeling towards his girlfriend and he will eventually break up with her" he say calmly. I never say that. I wouldn't never break up with Kana. She's my everything. My dad is the type of person who will do anything to make sure his company improve. Honestly he never consider me as his son. Instead he consider me as one of his tool to success which is why my mom decide to leave him. I was forced to stay with him. "I see . I'm glad to hear that. I guess I need to go now " he smile and stand up. Before he leave I ask him politely. " Can I know your daughter's name sir?" "Well I have two daughter but one of my daughter had feelings for you. She go to the same school with you. Hatsune Miku. I'm sure you know her." I froze when I hear that name. I honestly doesn't like to be with her. Whenever she's around I feel like she's staring at she's OBSERVING ME. The way I eat and everything. It's like she's a stalker. Since the day I started dating with Kana she stop observing me. Instead she start observing Kana. I remember once she steal Kana's money and I had to share my food with her during lunch. There's a rumour saying that if she hate anyone she will bully that person till he or she change school. Does that mean that if I reject her father's deal she will do something to Kana chan. I need to tell her about it. But how? Now that Miku gonna be my so called girlfriend it will be even harder to tell her. Will she even believe it? Every time I tell Kana that Miku is the culprit she she doesn't want to believe it. She think Miku is an innocent girl . I need to think of something.

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