Chapter 4 - Confession

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~kana pov~
As i wake up i saw Len was sleeping. He was holding my hand. I dream that Len was kissing me. I'm was kinda glad that it was just a dream. If it's real I wouldn't face him. I get up carefully not to wake Len up. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for us. It's all thanks to him that I'm feeling much better now. Without him I think I'll be still lying on my bed. I make pancakes for the both of us. I check the calendar to see what day it is. It was Saturday and there is festival tomorrow. I was thinking if I should go with Len but my instinct told me that I'll meet Kaito and Miku there. It's not surprise if I did cause it's normal for couple to spend time together.

Suddenly I hear a door open. I turn around to see Len leaning against the wall while rubbing his eyes. I laugh when I look at his bed hair. It was so messy. "hey what are you for laughing?" he pout. "ehehe I'm sorry. It can't be help. Well your hair is really messy" I couldn't stop laughing. It was my first time to see his hair like that. "ergh whatever. Anyways what are you preparing?" he look at me as I was about to flip the pancake."Well nothing much. Just a pancake" "woow can't wait to try it. I'm sure it will taste good since you're the one that made it" he smiled and went to the dining table while waiting for the food. I felt that my cheeks are turning rose red. After I finish cooking, I prepare the food. We then eat it together. "Its really nice."he say as he took a bite "Ahaha thanks" "I'm the luckiest person on earth right now cause I get to eat your food for free ehehe" "Hey that's too much." I laugh. It was a really great morning. I was having fun just eating and talking with Len. If only Kaito is here then it's perfect.

~Len pov~
As I was having breakfast with Kana chan , I remembered that there will be a festival tomorrow. I was thinking of maybe I should take this opportunity to confess to her. I know that I've said that I'm fine being just a friend to her as long as she's happy but certain part of me doesn't want that. I want her to look at me more than a friend but what if everything between us change if I confess to her. Will we still hangout? Is everything gonna be awkward?  Even so I still need to let this feeling out. I can't keep it anymore. I've been liking her since we were young. Way before Kaito have feelings for her. I'm well prepared if she decide to reject me. I know it's hard and it's gonna hurt my feeling but it's worth to try. Even if she did I'll make sure that nothing between us will change cause I don't want her to be sad.

"Hey Kana chan tomorrow there will be a festival so uhm.." Why am I feeling nervous? It's  not like I'm asking her to go out or anything. Wait a minute it's just the two of us. Can I consider this as a date? "Can you go to the festival will me?" we say it at the same time. There was a moment of silent. We look at each other and laugh loudly. I didn't think that she was going to say the same thing.  I was glad that we did. Yosh this is my chance to confess. This chance won't come twice so I need to use it wisely.

~Kana pov~
Suddenly we say the same thing at the same time. I was so shock when we say it together. We then laugh. I didn't know that Len have the same mind as me. Finally I have someone to come with me to the festival. If Len didn't want to come I would probably just stay at home cause it won't be fun going out alone. "Can't wait for tomorrow" I smile brightly at him. I was so damn happy. I'm sure that Len could tell how happy I was. "Me too" he smiled back.  Just the thought of it makes me feel excited. We then continue eating our breakfast.  While eating I start planning what should I wear in my head. I never feel this excited before. Not even when Kaito ask me to go out with him.

~Miku pov~
"Ahh~ I wonder if Kaito kun is at home" I ring his door bell. I'm so excited to see Kaito kun. I actually wanted to go to the festival tomorrow with him. Hopefully he's not busy tomorrow. As I was standing in front of the door suddenly the door was open. It was Kaito kun. I jump and hug him as he open the door. " I miss you so much Kaito kun. Even it's only like few hours ago we talk on the phone I already miss seeing you" I hug him even tighter. " Hmm me too Miku-chan" he smile and hugs me back. I was kinda disappointed with his reply. Why? Cause he didn't say he miss me too. It was like as if he didn't mean it. Upon hearing his reply I pout. "Hai I miss you too" He simply smile. I blush and wrap my hand around his neck to kiss him. He was taller than me so I have to tip toe. " So what brings you here?" he ask as we enter into his room. "Well you see, there will be a festival tomorrow. So I thought maybe we two could go together." I say happily. I want to spend time with him. I don't want to go with anyone else besides him. Suddenly he give me a sad look and pats my head. " I'm sorry Miku but I can't"  Suddenly my happiness went away like a piece of thin paper. "ehhh why?" "Well uhm you see tomorrow I'm kinda busy so yea. I'm sorry" he say with a sorry look. Since he's not going then I'm just going to stay at home. No fun going with other people. "hmm I see I understand then." I look down. I was so sad. I was so hype about it and now...I sigh heavily. " Hey don't be so down. I'll treat you something the next time we go out together" he smile and pat my head. I love the way he pat my head so I forgive him. " Fine I'll forgive you" I say and hug him tightly. I then went back home cause my mom wanted me to help her something at home. Before I leave I kiss his cheek. " I'll see you around Kaito kun" "Hai hai"

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