Chapter 2 - A new day

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~kana p.o.v~
" oi wake up sleepy head. We're late for school. I'll leave if you don't want to wake oi" I was awaken by someone. Judging by the cute husky voice it was Len. I stretch my hands and look a the clock. It was 6:45 a.m. I open the window and shout at him " Baka I'm not late for school in fact we're early" Len just smile and chuckle as he say " That's the best way to wake you up because you're a sleepyhead" I puff my cheeks because it's true that I'm a sleepyhead but I hate to admit it. "How about you wait for me in the house" "It's ok I'm fine" I sigh deeply and went to the bathroom. I look at my reflection on the mirror and notice that my eyes are kinda sore. I quickly rush and wore my uniform because I don't want Len to wait that long. After I finish packing my lunch box I went out to give Len a lunch box. "Here. Thanks for yesterday Len-kun" he took the lunch box and put it in his bag. "Thanks a lot kana-chan" he smiled and look at my face closely. "Hmm your eyes are kinda sore. Did you sleep well last night?" " I did. I'm all better now ehehe" I try my best to give him a smile. Honestly I couldn't sleep well because my mind keep on replaying the scene. I wanted to forget about it but as usual your brain doesn't want you to forget it. If only moving on is the easiest thing to do. I sigh as I thought of it.

We then start walking to school. "Anyways why you're here ? Normally you wouldn't wait for me" i ask him curiously. We used to go to school together with Kaito. But things had change Len started to go alone. I wonder why. "What? You don't like going to school with me?" he ask in a slight angry tone in his voice. Why did i ask that? Now he is gonna think that I don' like him. I feel bad for asking so i look down. Suddenly i felt a hand pats my head. "I was just joking. Besides I don't need any reason to walk with my best friend right" he smiled. "Ahaha yea" i smiled back. There was something different about him just now. His seems like he was forcing it. Probably just my imagination.

~Len pov~
"Here. Thanks for yesterday" she say as she give me a lunch box. Ehh kana chan made this specially for me? I feel really happy when I receive it. I notice that her eyes are kinda sore so i ask "did you sleep well yesterday?" " I did. I'm all better now ehehe" she reply with a smile. Baka i know you didn't sleep well. You're really bad at lying you know. Even so i know that she doesn't want me to worry about her so I just play along. As we start walking , suddenly she ask "Anyways why did you come here? Normally you wouldn't wait for me" It's true that i normally wont wait for her. That's because whenever I'm with her and Kaito, I feel like I'm just a nuisance. Therefore i stop hanging out with them. I was trying to avoid hanging out with them by making my part time job as a reason. I couldn't bare to see them together but now they're over i wanted to be with her.I want her to know that shes not alone and even if she lose Kaito she still have me.

When I hear that question I felt kinda angry cause it felt like as if she doesn't want to be with me. I mean seriously is it wrong for me to worry about her. I want to make sure that shes alright. It's not like I have the guts to say it or else she will notice my feeling and who knows maybe our friendship will destroy because of me. "What? You don't like going to school with me?" Ahh it slip out from my mouth. I notice that kana is feeling guilty for asking that question. I didn't mean to make her feel like that. Geez why I always say without thinking. I know she just want to know why out of sudden I walk with her. How should i fix this? I pats her head and say "I was just joking. Besides i don't need any reason to walk with my best friend right" I give her a forced smile. I didn't know it was this hard to say that I'm her best friend when actually i want to be more than that. I was hoping that by doing so it will make her feel better.

~kana pov~
After a long walk, we finally reach school. We talk a lot and it really make me happy. It remind me of us when we were small kid. If only kaito is here then everything will be like last time. Suddenly we saw kaito and miku walking together to school. Why the first thing i must meet is them. Miku was talking and laughing while holding his hand. It was supposed to be me not her. I know I know. I need to move on but its hard you know. Besides Kaito was my first love. How am i supposed to forget about him?! I wanted to avoid them but it was too late. " Ne Kaito-kun isn't that your ex?" she whisper to Kaito loud enough for me to hear. The word ex really hurt me although I'm the one that decide to break up. Ahh its gonna be awkward . What am i suppose to say? Hi, how are you guys? Sup? Ahh no matter what i say it seem faked. " Yo Bakaito" i look at Len instantly. Ehhh? Did he just say that? I couldn't help but laugh cause it fits him perfectly. "H-huh what did you call me ?! " Ahh it seems like Kaito is pissed. "BA-KAI-TO" " y-you...." Kaito say as he grip his hand into a fist. "K-kaito-kun lets just ignore them. " Miku say as she drag Kaito away. "Tch youre lucky this time" Kaito say as he give Len a cold stare. He then look at me and walk away without saying anything. It kinda send a shiver in my spine. I never see this side of Kaito. Not even when he is angry at me. "It's not that I'm scare of him or anything" "you shouldn't fight with him you know. Beside we're at school right now. If teacher saw you guys we will be in trouble" I sigh heavily. Certain part of me feel really glad that he do it. Unconsciously I smile softly. "Hai I'm sorry" he apologized lazily. I just chuckle and we enter our class.

~len pov~
When we arrive at school, we saw Kaito and Miku walking together. I look at kana and notice how hurt she is. I guess she still love him even after all those thing he did to her. Ahh this is bad. It will be awkward if they both start talking. I decided that I should start the conversation to avoid any awkwardness. "Yo Bakaito" I greet them with a playful smile. Heh that's what you get for treating Kana chan badly. I notice that Kana chan was laughing when i call him that. Well at least she don't feel hurt anymore. "H-huh what did you call me?" he say angrily. "BA-KAI-TO" i shout at him clearly to make sure he hear it right to piss him off even more. Suddenly Miku drag him off. "Tch you're lucky this time" that was the last thing i hear from him. I hate it the way he look at kana and walk away without saying anything. What is he trying to proof? "It's not that I'm scare or him anything." "you shouldn't fight with him you know. Beside we're at school right now. If teacher saw you guys we will be in trouble" well she has a point but it just hurt me whenever I see Kana chan sad. I don't want to see the yesterday Kana chan . I want to make Kaito regret for what he had done to her. " hai I'm sorry" i apologized half assedly. It's not like it's my fault. I was happy when Kana chan laugh. It's ok if we stay as friend. As long as shes happy I'm fine with it . We then enter our class. Lucky for me kana chan and i were in the same class.....same goes for him and his new gf. We then sit at our own seat and the teacher enter the class. 

~kana pov~
I sigh as I hear the bell ring. It's recess time. I stretched my arm cause I was so tired. It was really hard to pay attention in class when you didn't get enough sleep. Suddenly Len turn around and face me. His seat was in front of me which is convenient. "Hey lets eat at the roof top together" he smiled at me. "Err sure but why?" "Cause why not" Suddenly she grab my hand and start dragging me. I wonder why he is rushing. When we reach the rooftop no one is there. Just the both of us. Student usually eat at the canteen or class. Its rare to have student eating on the roof top. We then unpack our lunch bow and start digging it. I look at the sky and notice how nice the weather it is. It was so refreshing. There's breeze. "Hey if you don't want that I'm gonna take it" Len say as he took my one of my sausage. "I was saving it for last" I pout. " Opss too late " he grin. "Thanks for the food kana chan. It was delicious. You would make a great wife you know. " I blush upon hearing that. Honestly he is the first person to ever try my lunch box. Believe it or not i never made lunch box for Kaito cause he always have ice cream for his lunch.

~len pov~
Yosh recess time. Finally i can try out kana chan handmade lunch box. I smile as i thought of it. Suddenly I saw Miku and Kaito sitting together. I quickly call kana chan and invite her to eat at the roof top together. She agrees to it. I grab her hand while she was holding her lunch box and rush to the roof top. The reason why I'm doing it is to avoid her from watching at Miku and Kaito having fun together.Every time she look at them she always forced herself to smile. It hurt so much when i look at it.

~Kana pov~
The bell ring to indicate that our recess time is over. I and Len went back to our class. However i decide to went to the toilet and Len enter the class first. When I was inside one of the restroom, I heard a footstep coming closer. The next thing I realized was I'm all wet. I sniff my uniform. It smell so bad like I just fell into a drain filled with rubbish. Someone must have splash me with a pail of dirty water cause i hear someone tossing the pail. I get out and look at myself through the mirror. Damn I look so terrible. I'm pretty sure that teacher won't let me stay in the class. Besides I didn't bring extra uniform. I sigh heavily. I'm really concern about Len. If Len sees me he is going to worry. I try to come up a legitimate excuse but nothing come out. My head is filled with question. Who could've done this and why?

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