Thirty seven

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(A/N I thought I already wrote an update for today, turns out I didn't whoops)

***Tyler's POV***

I was lying beside Josh in my bed and I should be happy but something was bothering me, I needed to ask him this question, no matter how much the answer hurt me

'Josh?' I say

'Yeah baby' he replies

I blush at the nickname but quickly return my attention to the question I wanted to ask him

'When do you have to leave?'

He didn't speak for a while, then turned around so he was facing me

'I actually wanted to talk to you about that' he says grabbing my hands

God it was going to be sooner than I thought

I stay silent and Josh continues

'I'm not moving back home' he says half smiling

I don't know what to feel right now, happy, confused, relieved?

'Why' I reply

'Before I left I got into an argument with my dad and he said he doesn't want me to come back'

'Oh joshy' I said pulling him into a hug 'I'm so sorry'

'It's okay' he replies 'my dad was a dick, he was a drunk, abusive and I'm much happier spending my time with you' he smiles at the end which makes me kind of sad because that means that Josh thinks an abusive dad isn't that big of a deal which it is

'I'm so sorry' I say hugging him tighter

'It's okay, the beatings were pretty regular which kinda made me used to it I guess'

'No one should ever have to get used to something like that' I reply sympathetically

'I know' was all he could say as his voice was breaking up

'Josh?' I say


'I-I love you'

'I love you too Tyler'

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