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Ty: hey Josh

Jish: hey, how's the hangover

Ty: how did you know I was drinking

Jish: you text me last night

Ty: the texts aren't here

Jish: you must've deleted them or something

Ty: oh, okay

Jish: so, how are you

Ty: I'm fine

Jish: fine's not good

Ty: I'm just tired

Jish: tired of what

Ty: everything

Jish: talk to me

Ty: I just, I don't know, I'm sick of disgusting people

Jish: i know what you mean, have you told anyone

Ty: no

Jish: maybe you should

Ty: I don't know, the guys popular, who would believe me over him?

Jish: I'm sorry

Ty: you have nothing to be sorry for

Jish: you don't deserve any of this

Ty: really?

Jish: I know it's just, you're such an amazing person, you're funny, have an amazing personality, you're so freaking beautiful that it kills me and you're so strong, this guy took advantage of you and you handled it so well, you do not deserve this and never think that you do

Ty: wow Jish that made my day a bit happier

Ty: but I'm not strong, I'm not handling this well at all

Jish: what do you mean

Ty: it doesn't matter, I have to go

Jish: okay bye ty x

Ty: bye Jish x

(A/N holy shit I made this fic 3 days ago and it's already nearly got 100 reads thank you all so much (*-*) yay)

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