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Jish: it's been 1 month now and you're still not talking to me, I told you I needed you and you're still not here...

Jish:...how can you just do this to me, is it entertaining to you...

Jish:...you're honestly disgusting to me, you make me sick that you'd ask for someone to talk to, let them fall for you and just leave...

Jish:...do you know how that feels, because it's horrible and it hurts me physically...

Jish:...and every night I cry myself to sleep because my best friend, the guy I've fallen for just up and left me like he didn't even care in the first place, which maybe he didn't, maybe you never cared, maybe you just lead me on, whatever...

Jish:...this is it, it's over, I'm done...

Jish:...with you...

Jish:...with everybody...

Jish:...with life? I don't know I'm still trying to decide because while you were ignoring me I was at home with my parents who hate me...

Jish:...I told them I was gay, for YOU, and now they hate me...

Jish:...my dad beats me, every night, all because I'm gay...

Jish:...all because I told them for you my parents hate me...

Jish:...to be honest I don't even know if life is worth living anymore because now I've lost the boy I 'like', my mother and my father and I've drifted from all my friends because I've drifted from them, from everyone really...

Jish:...anyway, this is the last time I'll talk to you...

Jish:...good bye Ty.

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