Twenty seven

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**continued from last chapter**

I cleaned myself up in the bathroom then went back to class like I usually did, it seems that my life now just goes,
Go to school
Get beat up
Clean myself up
Go back to class
Avoid questions

Every single fucking day of my life this is happening, who can't everyone leave me alone, why can't I just disappear

I'm taken from my thoughts by the teacher calling my name

'Sorry' I say sitting up, I didn't realise my eyes were watering but Mrs Grey must have because she called me out of class

'Are you okay Tyler?' She asks me, looking concerned

'Erm, yeah jus- yeah' I say avoiding eye contact

'Do you mind me asking what happened to your face?' She asks referring to my black eye and cut lip

'N-nothing, I just fell'

'Tyler, you know we can't help you if you don't tell us what's wrong'

'I know' I simply reply

'So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong?' She asks

'No' I say, turning to go back to class and sitting down


'Tyler Joseph can you please go to the office?' The speaker thing that announced thing said

I got up and went to the office

Mel was sitting there and gestured me to sit beside her

'What are we doing here?' I ask her sitting myself down

'Tyler' Em replies looking at my busted up face

'Oh, that's why' i say looking at the ground

The principal walked in and sat at his desk

'Hi Tyler' he said

'I'm not telling youse anything' I say still looking at the ground

He takes a deep breath and Emmy tries to hold my hand but I reject her

'I don't know why everyone's so worried, I'm fine, I can deal with this myself, youse don't get it, I'm not saying anything so don't expect an explanation on why my face is busted up, why I've been skipping school or why I'm failing almost every class because you won't be getting one and that's the end of it' I say getting up at the end and walking out of school

(A/N I'm pretty sure I've uploaded today but oh well)

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