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Jish: Tyler it's 3:50

Ty: and you know what that means

Jish: ...

Ty: todayyy

Jish: oh yeah haha bet you can't wait

Ty: nope

Jish: good because it'll be worth it

Ty: I know what I want it to be but I don't think it'll be it so I'm not gonna say anything

Jish: what do you think it is

Ty: I'm not saying but I hope it is

Jish: well you never know

Ty: hopefully. I'm away to sleep goodnight joshy xx

Jish: goodnight ty xx


I woke up to my buzzer ringing and I ran down the stairs and straight to the door

'Tyler Joseph?' A man says holding a box

'Yeah' I say signing for the box

I take the box and run back into my apartment

I open the box and it's a black ukulele with Gerard freaking way's autograph on in

I scream excitedly picking up my phone texting Josh

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