Thirty two

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(A/N I refuse to believe this is true because Tyler is too pure to say dick...)
(Edit: can everyone in the comments please cool their nips, I was joking, I know he swears and shit so like calm)

I was sat right beside Josh, even though there was a lot more couch, I wanted to be beside him

I noticed him yawn and I began to think that he was tired and wanted to go to a hotel or something, god I'm so stupid, but then his arm landed on my shoulder and he pulled me in closer, I laughed at the old cringey move but I didn't move because it felt right, being there with him felt right, I lay my head on his shoulder and we stayed like that, watching greys anatomy

We had sat through a few episodes in silence, but comfortable silence, to me anyway, Josh seemed like something was bugging him

'What wrong joshy?' I ask lifting my head from his shoulder to look at him

'Can I ask you something?' He replies


'Wh-what happened to your face?' He asks referring to my black eye, scrapped cheek and busted lip

They were all healing pretty well but they were still noticeable

'I er- I fell' I reply trying to avoid eye contact

'Tyler, I'm not stupid'

'Some guys from school just, it's okay now though I don't have to go back there for two months now'

'Tyler, I'm so... Sorry' he said sadly

'It's okay, it's not your fault' I reply
'Do you wanna go for Taco Bell?' I ask changing the subject

'Yeah, sure' he replies and we leave


I drove because Josh couldn't remember much from living here

We got out of the car and Josh told me to go sit down while he gets the food so I told him what I wanted then went to save some seats

I was sitting on my phone, scrolling down my tumblr timeline when I saw someone sit in front of me, except it wasn't Josh, it was mark, great

'Hey faggot' he said

'Mark' I simply reply

'Where's your smart comments today gay boy?'

'I must've left them at your mums house' I say looking up from my phone and smiling, then returning to tumblr

'What did you just say' Mark said angrily

'Mark, I'm not going to repeat myself so either buy a hearing aid or pay attention the first time'

'Wow, you're gonna pay for that faggot' he said getting off his, well Josh's, seat

I set my phone down and that's when I realised Mark had his 'squad' with him

One of them lifted me by my shirt and slammed me to the wall

I let out a groan and Mark punched me in the stomach

***Josh's POV***

I walk towards where Tyler was sitting but I don't see him instead I see a group of boys huddled into a corner, surrounding someone, I then realise where Tyler is, in the middle

I feel an anger inside me that I've never felt and walk up to the boys

I tap one on the shoulder, he seems to be the group leader

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