Demetri x Skylar pt. 2

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Skylar's P.O.V

I ran away from Demetri, not caring where I went in. Anywhere was better than there. Soon, I felt my lungs burn and stopped to catch my breath.

I clasped my hands on my knees and took in deep breaths with a series of coughs. I looked around me and realized I ran onto the beach. I looked behind me, and saw no sign of Demetri.

He didn't chase after me... Well, at least that's a bit of a relief.

" big idiot," I muttered silently to myself. He didn't have to mention Dark in such a way. He really went too far.

With no one around on the beach, I was by myself. Alone.

I sat down on the hot sand and closed my eyes, letting out shallow, shaky breaths. I gave a slight sniffle, willing myself to not cry.

I won't do it... I won't do it...

I tightly closed my eyes and brought my knees together. I put my head in my legs, and felt the warm wetness on my cheeks. Goddammit...

I have just realized three things:

1. Demetri totally avoided the question of his past... Out of everyone, Janelle may know more than me even. But I am not going to get my answer from her. I want Demetri to be honest with make us closer in our relationship.

2. I told Demetri to stay away from me if I were to ever forgive him.

And 3. Demetri told me the cold truth, and actually has a point...

Dark may never come back.

In my realization of this, what am I to do? What was I going to do? First off, I was going to release my pent up emotions.

Lastly, I intend to make up with Demetri. I...I just want to talk reasonably with Demetri. No fights.

Demetri's P.O.V

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!

I internally facepalmed myself as I walked around the room. I messed up...big time.

"What am I going to do?!" I voiced out to myself. "Who knows where Skylar could've went? Hell, he could've even left the damn house and not have told anyone of his wherabouts..."

I punched the wall in frustration, and began to weigh out my options. Only coming to one conclusion, I left the room.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I heard the patter of feet from the inside of the room approaching the door. Soon, the door swung open and Janelle appeared.

"Yo Demetri, what's up?" She asked me. I almost answered her, but she realized what she just did and facepalmed herself. "I forgot. Here, come in! I should've let you in before asking questions."

I walked into the room and sat on her rolling chair for her computer. I put my head in my hands, collecting my thoughts. Janelle sat in front of me on her bed and asked, "So...there is something on your mind. What's wrong D?"Janelle put a comforting hand on my shoulder and rubbed it. I began to speak.

"Nelly...I really think I screwed up big time," I told her slowly. I don't call Janelle by her nickname often unless it's something serious. It was something we both agreed to after our breakup since we always called ourselves in nickname.

"Screwed up? Are you talking about you and Skylar? Weren't you guys just a minute ago saying what an awedome vacation this would have been!?"

"Keyword...were," I pointed out kindly. "Skylar and I got into this huge fight..."

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