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Patrick's POV

Pete's not at school the next day and no matter how much I text him he ignores me so I feel weird. I get pushed around more then usual and everyone calls me a fag, even people who I've never talked to and who seemed nice. Everyone seems to laugh as I go past and I have no clue what's happening so I'm just confused.

Finally the day ends with Andy pouring a whole water bottle over my head so I just fight back tears as I jog home. Once I'm safe in my bedroom I change into my hoodie and sweatpants then call Pete. It goes through to voicemail all 3 times I call so I huff and sadly watch some Dan and Phil because that always makes me happy. I've been bullied even worse than usual and my boyfriends ignoring me, how great.

It's almost midnight and I'm still up watching videos when there's a knock on my door and Pete appears. "Hey baby" "Hey, how'd you get in?" "I climbed in the downstairs window" "Oh I better fix that" "I closed it for you" "Thanks Panda"

He awkwardly walks over and perches next to my bed "How are you baby?" "I'm alright, where were you today?" "At home" "Why?" "I just wanted some time"

We sit in silence again until he talks in a burst "Babe you really need to check your Facebook like right now seriously". I go on and there's nothing there but Pete's sent me a friend request so I accept and go to his page. I'm not worried about anything until I see pictures of us kissing all over his timeline. They're from Andy and some show us lying on the beach making out and others show us walking and holding hands.

Pete doesn't make eye contact and keeps his head in his hands so I sigh and throw my phone down. "Pete what are we gonna do?" "I don't know" "I don't want you to get bullied" "Yeah I know" "This fucking sucks"

I know he didn't wanna come out and he doesn't wanna get bullied like me so I feel bad for him but I am kinda happy. I can finally be open about us being together and I can kiss him in public and not have to hide. Being hated at school isn't too bad and Pete's tough so he can probably deal with it better then me. People might still be scared of him since he's always been a tough guy.

"Patty I have an idea" "Ok" "I don't wanna loose my reputation over this" "I know but you have me, it'll all be ok" "Yeah but we can't be public" "But people already know" "So we need to downplay it" "I don't want to" "Well I do. I'm gonna tell Andy and Joe I was manipulating you and trying to get a quick fuck from you. Then I won't loose my friends and we can still be together in private"

This is really heartbreaking. I'd started to like the idea of having him be mine all the time but now I've lost that. I was excited for him to not have to be mean or insult me or beat me up but now he's just being an ass.

"You're just gonna pretend you don't like me? Like everything we have is fake?" "I'll just say I was trying to get you to fuck me on the beach. I'll say it's the only time I've been with you and it'll be fine" "You'll leave me and lie all for your reputation?" "Yeah, I'll say I'm still doing it so we can be around each other sometimes" "But that'll ruin me, I won't be able to be with you and they'll mock me. I'll be a stupid faggot that got manipulated and let you fuck me" "It'll be fine, we won't break up, its just in public" "I don't wanna get bullied again and I don't wanna loose you. I don't want you to hurt me and I don't wanna be the idiot that lost his virginity to you" "You don't have to actually do it" "But it's obvious I'm a virgin so everyone will think I let you take my virginity and I was actually stupid enough to trust you. I don't wanna loose any respect anyone could ever have for me"

Pete sighs and looks at me "Look I need this, I can't loose my reputation and my life" "So you don't give a shit about mine?" "I do care, I just care about mine a little bit more" "Asshole" "I'm sorry babe but I don't wanna loose this, I'll still protect you, they won't hurt you" "They will, you're an ass and you don't give a shit" "Yes I do" "No, if you can't finally accept me even when everyone already knows, I don't want this. If you don't wanna be with me in public you can't be with me in private"

I hear Ethan shuffling past but he doesn't come in since he seems to trust us a lot more lately but I wish he would. He could threaten Pete or hug me to make me feel better or give us other options. I don't wanna loose Pete but if he's not going to accept this what am I supposed to do? I don't want to be second place to his stupid popularity.

"Pete, choose" "I can't just choose" "Then think about it and tell me" "I can't just choose" "I would choose, I would choose to be with you and not give a shit what people think. They'll be assholes and bully us but you're worth it, I thought I would be worth it for you but I guess not"

Pete shakes his head then walks over to the door "I don't like ultimatums Patrick" "I don't care, what do you choose?" "I refuse to loose everything" "So you'll loose me?" "I guess so" "Get the fuck out of my house right now, I fucking hate you" "Patrick you don't" "Yes I do so get the hell out of my room and out of my house and out of my life. Get out before I scream until Ethan comes and kicks the shit out of you like you deserve"

Threatening to get my brother is stupid but he's scared of Ethan and Ethan will protect me. "Fine Patrick I'll leave, if you really cared you'd be willing to be with me in private" "If you really cared you'd be with me in public. I wanna be with you but I have dignity. I'm not going to let you bully me and lie about me and be ashamed of what we have. I'm just a stupid faggot but I'm not going to let everyone ridicule me just so I can spend a couple of minutes a day with you"

Pete shakes his head and storms out and the door snaps closed behind him. I can collapse onto the bed and sob my heart out while I try to forget the idiot I used to call my boyfriend.

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