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Patrick's POV

For the next few days everything's mostly the same. Me and Pete don't message each other much and even when I do send him a message he ignores it. Mostly it's just thinking him for the ticket so I guess it's not very important anyway.

Every lunchtime Petes sitting by the library and when I walk past he follows me to the bathroom. Usually I don't need to pee but I go so I can spend a bit of time with Pete to see what he'll do and if he'll say anything.

Mostly Pete just stands there and watches me while I watch him. He always complains that I don't pee in front of him but other then that he doesn't say much and eventually he just walks out.

I can't deny that he is really attractive now that he's not being an ass and that I know he's panda. I know he does have a nice cool personality buried in there so it makes me realise how hot this guy really is. If only he didn't go to the same school as me or wasn't my bully, then we could be dating right now.

Finally it gets to Saturday and it's time for the concert. I'm freaking out because Pete's gonna be right next to me and I don't know how I'm gonna deal with that. Having him just be near me for a few minutes is one thing but sitting next to him for a whole concert is a lot harder.

Finally I just think whatever and get dressed then go to catch the bus to the venue. There's no way my parents will drive me since they don't even know I'm going so Ethan's the only one I told.

After a horrible hour bus ride I get there and I feel better then I have in a while. There's so many people who all like the same stuff as me and I even talk to a guy while we wait in line and he seems really cool. I wish that some of these people went to my school because then maybe I could make a friend.

Finally I get in and there's only 10 minutes to wait so I sit in my seat. I can barely contain my excitement at the fact I'm actually seeing one of my favourite bands live.

About a minute before it starts Pete turns up looking hot in tight jeans, a OM&M singlet and with his hair messy. While I stare at his body he looks down at me awkwardly then sits next to me making sure to stay far away.

We sit in silence for a while until it's too awkward and I try to make this slightly less awkward "Um so thanks for give me the ticket, it's really cool" "Its fine dude, I promised I would so I did, no need to thank me" "Yeah but you didn't have to give me it" "But I promised my punk so I had to, stop talking and let me be nice"

We sit in silence again until the concert starts and they open the mosh pit. I immediately jump out of my seat and go forward to join in. I'm little and weak but it doesn't matter, I wanna join in and have fun, maybe I'll even get to the front. I want Pete to join since it'll feel better to have someone I know but he just watches me so I get up and leave.

Like he's been doing for days he follows me and I don't even realise he's doing it until I get pushed and he catches me. Without saying anything or even looking at me he pushes me back to my feet then keeps his hands on my hips.

I'm too scared to say anything so I let him push me forwards until we're only a few feet away from the barrier. Pete still hasn't said anything so I look over my shoulder at him but he's facing the other way so I just focus on the band and enjoy myself. The whole time Pete's arms stay tight around me so everyone bumping us and pushing us out of the way barely affects me.

I have the best time ever at the concert and by the time everyone tumbles out of the door I've had one of the best days of my life. Pete finally lets me go so I just smile and look over at the huge clock telling the time which makes me freak out. "Fuck its 10 already, I was supposed to catch the bus home 15 minutes ago" "Can't you catch another one?" "It was the last one of the night" "Oh". I don't have a phone since Pete broke it so I stand there awkwardly wondering if I should ask to use Petes since he's the reason mines broken.

"Do you want me to drive you?" "W-what?" "Do you want me to drive you?" "Um... I dunno" "I think I broke your phone and we live close to each other so do you want me to?" "Ok thanks Pete" "Come on"

There's loads of people everywhere so I manage to loose Pete barely a minute later. Fuck I wish I wasn't so short and weak and easy to push out of the way because now I lost my ride home.

Just when I start getting worried Pete appears in front of me and grabs my hand "Come on punky my cars down the road". He's still calling me that so I let him drag me by my wrist out of the crowd and down the road. Even when there's no chance of me getting lost he doesn't let go so I let him hold on because his touch is nice against the cold night. It was a warm day so I didn't bring a jacket but now I'm freezing cold but Pete's warm so I follow him happily.

His cars a silver mini and there's only 2 seats but he's my only way home so I wouldn't care if the car had no seats and was falling apart. I gratefully get in and wait for him to start it up and drive off.

The heaters cranked up so it gets warm quickly and I try to subtly stare across at him. He really is attractive with his short dark hair and warm brown eyes and tanned skin. He's even being nice to me at the moment so I really do like him a lot.

"Where do you live punky?" "I'll show you" "Ok". I guide him along the dark roads and by the time we get to my house I've decided that I do have a crush on Pete. He's driven me home, given me the ticket, not beaten me up lately, been nice and he is panda so I know he's a nice guy. Maybe I haven't completely lost my best friend after all.

"Here we are Patrick" "Thanks for everything" "I promised you the ticket so I fulfilled the promise. I broke your phone so you have no other way of getting home so I made it up to you. I just did what I'm supposed to, I'm not a total asshole" "I know, you're actually pretty cool" "Thanks, see you punky" "I'll see you Monday"

I don't really wanna leave and I think he knows that so he takes off his jacket and holds it out to me "Take it" "For what?" "So you're not cold" "Its ok" "Take it, its an excuse to have to see you again so take it" "Ok thanks panda"

I pull it around my shoulders then keep looking at his pretty face and bite my lip nervously. "I told you not to bite your lip" "Sorry I just do it" "I told you if you bite your lip I'll bite it for you".

Before I can even think he leans in and he bites down gently on my bottom lip while keeping his eyes locked with mine. He bites sharply down on my lip again then pulls it out slightly then lets go and pulls away from me "Have a good night punky" "B-bye"

I pull his jacket on tighter then jump out of his car and into my house. When I look up he's still just sitting there watching me so I give him a wave then open the door and run in.

With a little squeak I run upstairs, avoiding Ethan's room and run into mine then fall onto my bed squealing. I just had an amazing time at the concert and now Petes actually being nice and being my friend which is amazing.

Pete didn't really kiss me but it was close and it felt really good so maybe he wants to date. Maybe he likes me and I like him so that'd be really awesome if he did like me even if he knows who I am.

Next time I see him no matter what happens I'm gonna kiss him. I really don't want to wimp out because I'm so mad at him still but I do love him. I really need to just find out his feelings and either make him my boyfriend or get him out of my life completely.

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