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Patrick's POV

Fucking school. Anyone who can honestly say they like it has something wrong with them. All school is for me is failing every class except art, being alone and getting bullied. Isn't life just wonderful.

Today doesn't seem to be any different. Starts off with me spilling coffee down my uniform. Then it starts pouring down and I get completely drenched as I walk to school. Then I'm made fun of for being wet and for my eyeliner running off, I guess it serves me right for trying to look better by wearing it. At lunch I hope for a break but Pete, Andy and Joe, my bullies, beat the shit out of me like they do every day. I spend the rest of lunchtime hiding in the library with a Harry Potter book since I have no friends. Then I'm pushed as I walk to my last classes and punched by Pete again.

At home things aren't much better. My parents ignore me for the most part since they hate me. They hate how I look, they hate how I dress, they hate my music, they hate that I'm gay, they hate that I have no friends, they hate all of me.

The most I can hope for is a glance out of the side of their eye while they praise my brother Ethan, the perfect son. Straight with a hot cheerleader girlfriend, smart, quarterback of the football team, big, muscular, attractive and popular. No wonder everyone loves him, how could they not?

He's actually an amazing person though so I'm super grateful to have him. He's only person even remotely close to a friend or person I like in my life so I'll take it. The only thing similar between is is our ginger hair and pale skin but he dyes his hair blond and spends so much time outside that he has a tan. I guess we're nothing alike at all. No wonder everyone's doubtful when they find out we're brothers. It's not something either of us show off much though so most people never see us together or make any connection.

Later on once I'm safely in my room with my headphones I see Ethan running along the lawn past my window. He stops to give me a quick wave then runs up the street out of sight in the darkness. Probably off to go fuck his girlfriend.

I don't know why he sneaks out, our parents would be happy he's seeing his girlfriend, they might even give him tips on how best to fuck her. They dote on him and he's their pride and joy so he could do anything he wanted and they'd let him. I guess the thrill of sneaking out and doing something that he thinks would be forbidden just makes it better.

This is basically every day for me. Pretty boring without friends or family to hang out with or talk to.

Welcome to my life I guess, it's a pretty boring ride most of the time.

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