Chapter 1

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Castiel's POV
"CASSIE, LUCI WAKE UP YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" I spring up in bed as I hear Gabe yell from downstairs.

"Alright be down in a minute!" I yell back. First day at my new school, wonder how this will turn out. I throw on some dress pants, a white button up with a blue tie, and my signature trench coat. I race downstairs with my book bag over my shoulder.

"Ha ha you fell for that again," Gabriel says and starts laughing. I groan as I see it is 5:45 in the morning and I still have two hours to sleep.

"Lucifer is going to kill you," I say with a smirk as I get a bowl of cereal. Speak of the devil and he shows up in your kitchen. Lucifer rubs his eyes and looks at the clock. Gabriel screams and runs upstairs as he sees Lucifer's angry face. Luci starts laughing at his reaction and plops on the couch in the living room. He instantly falls back to sleep.
-Time Skip to actual time of school-
"Guys hurry up you don't want to be late," our adoptive father, Chuck, says. Gabriel runs in front of Lucifer purposefully beating him to the door.

"Watch it twerp," Luci says angrily and slams the door behind us. We get into his blue muscle car. He drives because he doesn't trust anyone else with blue bird and I ride shotgun with Gabriel in the back. Lucifer is a senior I'm a junior and Gabriel is a freshman and we are all adopted by Chuck Shurly but we go by the name Novak even though we aren't related by blood.

Lucifer turns on his heavy metal rock which I call unneeded screaming with random guitar in the background. He bobs his head to the loud screaming of words with a faint beat of drums in the background. "Ugh turn it off, or at least get a better taste in music," Gabriel says.

"Shut it I'm Satan and unless you want to get torched in hell when you die I suggest shutting up," Lucifer retorts. I roll my eyes as they start bickering about his lame excuse for everything. But his name does suit him because he is a major bad boy, we moved here because he got expelled again. I can't say Gabriel is much better, he always gets detention or suspended for his pranks, he is the one and only Trickster.

We pull up to the school I hurry out of the car because I can't take anymore of their annoying voices. "Yo Cassie wait up," Gabe says. I stop and wait for him and Luci.

"Lucifer where are your books?" I ask as we walk to the front office. He shrugs.

"It isn't like I need them."

"Yeah you do dipwad," Gabriel says, Lucifer just shoves him roughly. Gabriel falls into some really tall guy with long brown hair. "Oh sorry my brother is being a douche," he says to the guy who just awkwardly stares at him. Gabe glares at Lucifer and we keep walking.

We reach the office and a petite lady sits behind a desk. She seems to be in her sixties with her gray hair in a small bun and glasses hang around her neck on a chain. "Hello I'm Mrs. Pattington how can I help you boys?" She says sweetly.

"We are new here Lucifer, Castiel, and Gabriel Novak," Lucifer says gesturing to us. She is a little surprised as she hears the weird angel names we all have which is strange since we aren't blood related.

"Of course I will get your schedules," she says and walks to a folder behind her and pulls out three different papers. "Here you are," she says sweetly. "Off you go now class will start soon." I thank here and we walk off to our lockers. Lucifer goes straight to class having nothing to put in his locker. I open mine and just take a notebook and some pencils then lock my locker.

I look at my schedule and try to find history class. I bump into someone causing me to drop my stuff. "Oh I'm sorry," I say awkwardly and look up to see brilliant green eyes looking down at me.

All The Secrets and Lies (Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now