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This chapter is dedicated to @havilha for voting on my story thank you.

I woke up feeling a little tired, my nap was short after our wolves are cuddled they started moving and I am shock with what I saw, our wolves are licking each other. Aldrine's  wolf is licking my wolf's furry neck while my wolf is purring with the amount of pleasure flowing through our body, I tried to gain control but my wolf is stubborn she knows that if she'll lost the control I were be able to gain it and this would be the first and last time that they will be free to show affection towards her mate.  I tried and tried but I can't especially my wolf is enjoying this no.. Scratch that not only my wolf is enjoying this but also the male wolf. I can sense that Aldrine is also doing his best to gain control and that action made me whimper it means that he wouldn't want and will never want me, us, he doesn't want to stay in this form he's too disgusted with us to stay with us longer than we stayed.

I heard a growl a fierce one and notice that its from me, my wolf just whimper she knew that this would hurt me yet she choose not to understand me ? She choose to cuddled with this male just to satisfy her needs and wants not minding what will I feel. I am hurt to say that I can't even hold my weight any longer, the tiredness and rejection is making me weak addition to that is the previous weeks that I didn't eat anything. I just collapse there, in front of this male wolf that supposed to be our protector yet he isn't what I thought.. Biting back a groan I just bite my front paws to suppress a painful growl. This wouldn't happen if he just accept us and not reject us, I look up to see the male wolf starring at me with its piercing grey eyes we both have the same color of eyes I have a grey ones with a golden shade I know its rare but I am a living prof of it while his are grey orbs with a shade of light blue I'll admit that his eyes are beautiful. He stalk forward to reach me but when he's beside me I don't expect for him to hover my wolf frame I rolled on my belly my front paws at his chest stopping him there, but when I touch the male wolf's chest the sparks starts shooting through my whole entire being. I have a feeling that I won't like the idea of this, his eyes are pure gold which means is lust I don't want this to happen ... I know that his wolf will mark us in my wolf form on the other side of me where my wolf is purring like crazy and jumping with joy encouraging the male wolf in front of us to proceed on marking us as his. I frantically stopping him from licking my neck from where the mark should be, once I am marked in wolf form that means we shouldn't proceed to break the bond because the half acceptance procedure were done.

Mates has a two marking procedures which concerns the human and wolf. The male should mark the human as well as the wolf, either marking the human first then the wolf or marking the wolf then marking the human. Either ways, when one of the marking is done it should mean that the mates have to  complete the marking before the up coming "Praise and meet" the goddess herself will make her presence known but only chosen one will be able to see her and talk to her every year is the same while every year a werewolf is chosen to meet and talk to the goddess. The other chosen ones will be able to talk to her too but the new chosen will be the last and longer the chance to talk to the goddess. The changes are the time of the year and where it will be held  the goddess herself will choose it for a big reason. The chosen pack will have the honor to held the occasion for it is the goddess who request it.

So before this marking would happen I should think fast before it's too late to stop and have a regret mostly regret to him. I started shaking violently while I'm trying my best to gain back the control that my wolf has, I know very well that this would result to me killing myself but I am more than willing to die with the small amount of my dignity left than lost it and be with this male wolf forever to suffer with his merciful doings to see me crumble with a heart ache.
I am strong to the extent that I will prove them wrong proved him wrong about rejecting me and not bothering giving me a chance to prove myself that I am worthy for a mate, worthy for being his Luna, worthy for being the Luna of this Pack a mother to the members, worth fighting for, lastly worth to have a mate who will love me for who I am and not with who I will be in the future.

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