8- Accepthing the Rejection Breaking the Bond Part 1

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Alessandra Jean

I open my eyes and saw my brother starring at me shock, and worry on his face. I don't know but I kept waking up not on my bed nor in my house and it getting me annoyed this past few days.

He just stare at me then walk beside the bed that I was on.
He held my hand and ask me

"How are you feeling Aless? Are you alright? What happened to you? Why were you there out in the woods alone huh? Are you not scared if someone see you there alone they've gotten the chance to take advantage of you! Or worse! You are a girl an unmated she wolf for goddess sake Alessandra! I'm so worried about you! You know that! I'm so scared that you'll left us mom and dad you are alone there and writthing in pain!! God! I can't imagine to have to lost my only baby sister! "

He ask, scolding me and the same time worried,pain,mad, and upset swirling on his face I sigh .

I never thought he'll be this concern to me. I know that he's my brother but he always annoyS me.

"Ash you don't need to worry kay? I'm here safe and sound so will you please shut up and give me some time to rest I've been suffering this past few days so I appreciate if you let me be" I said in complete soft tone.

I don't wanna be like a complete bitchy sister to him cause I know that he just wants good for me.

I notice that he did what I exactly said. I sigh cause I know where exactly I am. At the pack house I don't wanna be here in the same roof with him. My mate who rejected me. I don't get him I don't even did any crime against him and this pack I didn't harm anyone to say the list that he just rejected his own mate.
Everyone knows that if you reject your mate you'll be in so much pain the same as your mate but it'll be painfull for the rejected one . And if an Alpha does this without a Luna his own pack will suffer then the whole pack will be crashed down.

I care for the pack as well as I care for my family but he won't let me do it for the pack and also for him.

So I will do this . This is for him so he'll be happy and the one who'll not die.

I told my brother to rest and get home he refused saying he wouldn't let me alone comming home. So I just said to him that I will just talk to someone and will come home instantly he kept reffusing but I just walk off leving him behind cursing my name to come back but I just shrugged it off .

I am confident of my dicision.

I walk upstairs seeing people on the hallway confuse why I am here heading to the office of their dearly Alpha.

Once I stop I know that this is his office and this is it . To finalise and break the bond forever.
I don't bother to knock cause he didn't respect me in any way so why respect him?

I saw him sitting on his leather black chair serious with his work his eyes are on focus on the laptop infront of him. His face are blank of any emotion. I know he notice someone walk into his office but he doesn't know that it is me. Once I walk forward to his table. I notice he know that it is me but kept concentraiting on his work.

He doesn't speek any word so do I. The silence is suffocating me so I decided to speak up.

" I'm here to speak with you about the rejection. "I said with such confident

He then cocked an eyebrow stare at me he stop working and stands up.
He kept walking forward to me and I just stand there not afraid of him. He then stop a few meters away from me so I take this chance to speak.

" I wanna break the bond between the both of us permanently. "
I said with such venom in my voice.

He just stand there unable to speak or move I know that what I've said stab him right to
his heart.
I just chuckle darkly.
And continue to speak up.

"Eha! The great big bad ass Alpha is stunned by his rejected mate eh, I see"

I just chuckled darkly to pissed him off.

Then the next thing I know sparks flow through my whole body sending me in complete frenzy. I am shock to say that he is pinning me down on the ground holding my both hands entertwining it with his both hands like holding hnads more on he is pinning it above my head.

His body is flushed with mine his head is on the crook of my neck breathing in my scent.

I tried to push him off of me but failed.

"Get off of me now!" I scream at his ears that I know
he felt the shivers . I smirked at this.

He stare at me like I am a piece of meat. Just then that I notice his eyes color changing from grey to black and gold. Grey-gold-black-gold-black- I am shock that it isn't settling back to grey just black and gold .

Just black and gold only. At first he is batteling with his wolf but now the wolf within him is surfacing . It kept changing then all of a sudden his eyes settled on gold. At the very moment my eyes. Bulge in horror he is not in control but the Alpha in him is. Incharge now the Alpha wolf is now the superior that's in control.
And I don't know if I can fightback .

"Hello mate" he said in husky tone I'll see this a sexy voice but now. This is not the time to think that. I scolded my mind and my wolf is purring like crazy.

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