4- Waking up

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Alessandra Jean

I am in a dark place, or room I don't exactly know cause all I see is black. Then I see a light. I came to where it is ... I chase it but all I see is the light, it never moved. I frown at this and I'd tried moving forward to it but it never moved or just moved but I didn't catch the movement .

I tried once more however it still there no matter how hard I try to be near ... the more I try the more I'm being frustrated.

I sigh then I tried even more .. then I came into the light further away from the darkness that envelopes me.


I open my eyes unable to open it long enough but I tried again this time thank god it does open.

I keep blinking to take in my surroundings its all white ..I know this isn't my room so I just got up feeling a little dizzy and pain shoot through me I shout in pain .
The pain starts to my fingertips travelling to my arms my foot,legs,in my head, and it all meet in my chest all the pain explode throughout my body from my chest .. I shout for help ! I'm going insane at this .

"He.. help! Someone help me please! It hur-ts!" I scream in so much pain

Suddenly people rushed in towards me shock,pity, and pain that was all I saw on their faces.

Why are they looking at me like that I thought.

I need someone to help me but why they're starring at me with emotion of pity? Why..

While I am in my state of "SCREAMING CAUSE OF PAIN" I wonder where the hell I am. The last thing I remember was when I'm walking down the hallway to attend to my first class but someone -

Soon I remember all.. The scenes seems to flashed back in my memory.

"My mate the one that I've been waiting for all my life has rejected me . He even say the word that sealed half in his rejection ...he said the word "respinto" . Then all the crying and begging came back to me. Even the PAIN that I am suffering all because he don't want me. As his mate and Luna."

I just cried and scream there unable to managed the pain that going through the every part of my body, every organ then it will meet in my chest where my heart is. Its continues since I woke up .

Then all of a sudden I heard a growl I even flinch at that .
I smelt the mouthwatering scent of my mat- ex mate. I cried at the thought.

Why is he here?

He doesn't want me right?

He rejected me
He even half sealed the rejection by saying the word "respinto"

If your mate rejected you if they said the English word reject. The rejection isn't complete or even half complete yet. It has to be complete to break the bond between you and your mate it usually occurs when one werewolf mate is in pack while the other one is rouge.
While the other is when your mate said that he /she reject you in English word. And said the Italian word "respinto" means rejected, it means that your half rejected by your mate it will be complete when you agree to break your bond to each other and the elders will do it in a ceremony the witnesses are the members of your mate's pack  who rejected you.

I don't understand why he's been being like this .

I don't know but when I calm down a bit I felt a warm hands all over my shaking body that is when electric shocks flow in my body a tingling sensation that I've been dying to feel.

I look up and saw the grey eyes that observing every move I take .
Tears is evident in my eyes.
I can't take it anymore his eyes are showing one emotion.

The one emotion that I can't handle,

Its the hatred and hate that evident on his eyes.
I can't take it anymore so I just let my tears cascade on my cheeks.

Freely not even caring about who'll see it.
I just cried there silently until I fall into a deep slumber.

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I hate you Aldrine making poor Alessandra cry!



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