Step 14

19 3 1

Let her eat a lot.

We called the foundation right after we had left the sushi bar and to say they were more than thankful was still an understatement! My father had called me afterwards when he had heard about the news and told me how proud he was. The rest of the evening Matty and I had spend in front of the TV talking about all the things that were going through our minds - except of how awesome he looked in the casual hanging out look and how good the clothes from him I was wearing smelled. The next morning I woke up to someone whispering the words "Time to wake up, Sammy!" repeatedly into my ears. I let out a groan before grabbing the nearest pillow and throwing it at the annoying person before putting another one ove my head. The person let out a familiar chuckling before lightly punching my shoulder. "Come on Sammy! I made my amazing sandwiches and you are even allowed to go all hunger games on them today!" I heard Matty say and at the mentioning of his sandwiches I sat up straight and looked around. He was right next to me, flashing me a smile and holding a tray full of food.

I loved that boy! Well not in that way but... You know how I meant it!

"You are amazing!" I stated and quickly took the tray before gulping down one sandwich all at once. Then the next and the next. I believed I finished around ten - so the entire plate - in two minutes! "Whoa easy over there! What is up with you being so hungry today? Aren't you always worried about your body and stuff?" Matty asked looking at me with pure amazement. And well maybe a bit of concern. I shrugged "Nothing just..." I trailed off for a second "Do you know this feeling of some kind of emptiness in you because you can't do something you love so you want to fill it with lots of food just to make that feeling go away? I believe that is currently going on with me because I can't go shopping!" He thought about it for a second "I know what you mean! There was a time when I had hurt my right arm and wasn't allowed to do any kind of writing. I ate so much! But it lasts only for one day, so don't worry about that. I guess I will just let you eat then." I nodded happily and continued chewing on some fruits. There was silence surrounding us before I replayed our conversation "Wait does that mean you are writing something right now?" He blushed a bit before he nodded "Yes I do." My eyes grew wide "I want to read it!" He shook his head "Not now. It is not finish yet. I will think about it once it is done, okay?" I was kind of upset at first but understood what it meant to him so I quickly agreed assuring him it was no problem. "Have you seen Ty and Joshy by the way?" I asked looking around the room. "Well I am not sure, but I guess they are knocked out on the couch!" I laughed at the picture inside my head of the two of them sleeping next to each other all peaceful. "Any special plans today?" I asked wondering if it was time for a new coaching step. He gave it a second before responding "No, I don't believe so! Maybe if I come up with something all freestyle like but for now, I didn't." I laughed and picked up a bowl full cereals. Matty raised an eyebrow but continued to stay silent - luckily for him! When I was done with a chocolate bar - no clue were it came from - Matty's phone went off signalising that he had got a new message. He let out a sigh before lifting his hips to pull it out of his pockets. I watched him while he unlocked the screen and opened the message before he rolled his eyes, locked the phone again and looked up at me. "What wrong?" I asked confused. He shrugged looking around the room "Ky asked to come over. He has something important to tell me?" I nodded before opening my mouth to give an answer. Before I could do it though Matty added "And don't worry, I told him he can come under one condition: he has to bring food with him!" I nodded happily, clapping my hands together. I didn't know why but at this moment I went crazy whenever I heard the word food. He laughed and then threw an arm over my shoulder to pull me closer an mess up my hair.

Honestly I neither minded nor complained!

I pouted though and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Matty pulled out another chocolate bar from wherever and gave me those puppy eyes look. I instantly complained at that movement. Of course not because of the food nor the puppy eyes but because he had tried that movement making fun of me eating that much. I snatched it away from him though and as soon as my teeth dug into the delicious chocolate my angriness faded and I felt all happy and fluffy. The doorbell rang just a few minutes later and I instantly jumped up at the thought of the new food coming. I yanked the door open leaving Ky shocked and managed to nearly get him drop all the bags. I narrowed my eyes "Don't even think about dropping those bags or I will kill you!" He raised his arms in surrender his knuckles turning white because of the tight grip he had around the bags. I rushed him into the kitchen and followed right behind him. Matty couldn't resist a laughter at this picture right in front of him. I went through the things in the bags and when I was done with that I threw my arms around Ky's neck "I love you! Well not in that way, but you know what I mean. You are amazing!" He patted my back and let out a chuckle. Matty cleared his throat from the other side of the kitchen "Not wanting to interrupt anything but you, Ky, came over here to tell me something?" Ky nodded "Sure, why not! See you later, Sammy." Interrupting my movements - which were currently opening a chocolate bar - I looked up to flash him a smile "Yep! And thanks again for the food. Since I don't have any money left, just get it from Matty, kay?" They both laughed and were just about to leave the kitchen when the bell rang again. I pushed myself off of the kitchen counter not happy to get carried away from my lovely food and lazily walked over to the door. The boys were already there and just opened the door revealing a gorgeous girl called Tracy. She looked over at Matty greeting him with a smile before her eyes wandered over to Ky, were they stayed, a blush forming on her cheeks before she cracked a smile and then quickly looked away at me. She walked past the two boys up to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back watching Matty snapping the poor Ky out of trance and walking up with him into his room, giving me a wink. I shook my head in amusement before pulling out of the hug. "So sweety, not that I don't like - or even love - seeing you, but what are you doing here?" I wondered. Her cheeks heated a bit more "Well I somehow need to talk to you, if that is okay. I have something important to tell you!" I nodded "Sure, let us go into my room I just quickly need to grab some food. Would you mind helping me carrying it?" At first she gave me a confused look but then shook her head and followed me into the kitchen. I gathered plates, bowls, spoons, forks, knifes and whatever else I could possible need and then asked Tracy to pick up the two bags. She looked at me more than confused as if I had been out of my mind and then grabbed the bags walking up the stairs with me. I decided to go into the office room because I needed a table to eat all the food. We both sat down around the desk where I spread all the food and then chose some box of sushi for the beginning. While I started eating - after Tracy had rejected my food offer - I looked up at Tracy waiting for her to spill the beans to me. Instead though she asked "What the hell is wrong with you today? Why are you eating more than any jock, neither caring about your  weight and figure nor doing lots of sport just to compensate all that sugar and fat?" My eyes narrowed at her words "Nothing is wrong! There is just some emptiness inside of me in case you haven't notice yet and I am trying to fill it with something - which happens to be food! But I bet you came for something different than criticizing my eating habits today so would you mind to start?" She rolled her eyes at my mood but didn't comment it anyways "Well it is about Ky!" I interrupted her before she could continue "I told you already I am not going to help you hurt this boy! I actually care a lot about him so there is no way I will help you with your little games!" She let out a long sigh "Look, I already told you I am serious with him. I actually like him, in a "want to have a relationship with him"-way so I wont hurt him. Besides I don't need your help anymore because" She trailed off. "Because?" I asked afraid of the answer. "Because we are already a couple!"

What the heck?

 "What? No way! How I mean why and... Ugh I don't know what I mean. I am happy for you no doubts, but how did all of that happen?" I was confused as hell! "Well we left together three days ago, remember that? So and when we were waiting for a cab he asked me for my number. And then after I had left you two days ago I got a text from him asking me if I wanted to grab some dinner and when we were at a really cute restaurant he told me that if he should be honest with me it was kind of a date for him. We got on so well and then we kissed at the end. We were both quite surprised by those things so I left without another word. Yesterday he had called me and came over and we talked about that and yeah, now we are together. I hope you aren't mad!"  There was silence for a minute before I spoke up "I am not, as long as you don't hurt him! Actually I am happy for you two. Just try to take it serious and not suddenly freak out for no reason and push him away okay?" She nodded and I pulled her into a tight hug.


"Quite the news, huh?" Matty asked as I let myself fall down on the couch next to him after we had said goodbye to the happy couple. "Yeah, did you already come up with a couple name? All I was able to think of was Try and that was a bit to... ironic, if you ask me." He laughed "No I didn't, but I don't think they need one. Ky isn't really into that stuff, you know."

"Well Tracy is TOTALLY into that stuff. They are too different, do you understand my problem now?" Matty nodded "I do, but what if we give them a chance to figure that out by themselves. And who knows: maybe it works out perfectly and they are one of those couples were the saying "Opposites attract" actually fit!" I let out a long sigh.

Maybe he was right! Or let's better say: hopefully he was right!

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