Step 1

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Bump into her and her dad and become her new coach

"Oh my god daddy! Look at this amazing dress. Tomorrow Madlen is going to throw this awesome party! Can I please, please, please get it?" I asked my dad making puppy eyes while I pointed at a dress in the Ralph Lauren store at Madison. "No! You already got the five other dresses you needed so your limit for today is full!" He said angry. "But daddy! What is wrong today? Just this one dress. I won't ask for anything more. Please!" I kept begging. "Sammy! Stop it right now before I become really angry!" he shouted.

Ohoh, seems like somebody is in a bad mood!

"Okay, okay! No need to snap at me!" I said raising my hands in surrender. "No you don't and that is exactly the point! You always want this and that and think that it is given. You don't get that I have to work for this!" he answered.

I should really talk to his assistant about holidays for my dad! Seriously what was wrong with him today?

"Whatever dad! I will see you at home there is a more important place I have to be right now!" I said. "Don't you dare to use your credit card! If I see you went some more shopping I will take away all of them!" he shouted but I turned around and rolled my eyes. Bad mistake to not watch where I was going since I happened to bump into somebody really hard and we both landed on the ground.

"Ugh! Can't you watch where you are going? There is a reason people were born with two eyes!" I hissed at the man right in front of me. "I am sorry, but wasn't it you who ran into me and not the other way around?" he asked raising one eyebrow.

Who did he think he was? Since when back talked people from Brooklyn to people from Manhattan’s Upper East Side?

"Excuse me? Didn't your parents teach you to not backtalk and just apologize?" I asked annoyed. Before he could open his mouth though my father pushed me beside and held out his hand.

What did he think he was doing? I was so not going to touch this hand of him afterwards anymore!

"I am really sorry for my daughter’s behavior. Rick Tomson my name and you are?" my father asked giving him a friendly smile. The man took the hand before he answered "Matty Tyler. And it is fine, don't worry."

"But I do! She could have hurt you and instead of apologizing she snaps at you!" my father answered "What about a coffee Mr. Tyler? To apologize." This Matty boy thought about it for a second "I was actually on my way to Central Park!"

"See dad! He has something way better to do. So we can forget about it and I can go to my meeting" I smiled happily tugging at my dad's arm. "Please, there is a really nice café at Madison Avenue called Laduree. Just a coffee and some sweets, afterwards I will let you leave, okay?" My dad asked. Matty shrugged "I guess that's okay since I didn't have any plans anyway."

What did Brooklyn boy just say? I was already starting to like him and then he let me down!

"Perfect!" my dad smiled and we walked over to Laduree. Normally I loved it in there, but today things were definitely going to be different.

We didn't talk until we were seated at one of the tables. Then my dad asked Matty "So Mr. Tyler, tell me something about you! Where are you from? Do you work or still go to college?"

Who wanted to know that kind of stuff? I should start to worry about my dad being a stalker!

"Well first: you can call me Matty! I am from Brooklyn and just like to come here and then walk through the Central Park!" he began but I interrupted him "That's so cute. But isn't it hard to walk past all those shop windows seeing clothes you could never afford?" My dad hit my hand "Sammy! Enough is enough! Where are your manners? Excuse me Matty, please continue.". "Well I don't attend college anymore. I finished last year and now I am working at New York Times. Right now it is just a try-out but I have my hopes up high that they will consider me as a new worker!"

How to help a shopaholic (nanowrimo13)Where stories live. Discover now