Step 9

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Go men hunting

After I had spent the rest of the day with Matty and Ky and they even convinced me to go to the movies with them - me in a cinema can you imagine that?  - I had fallen asleep really fast because the entire day happened to exhaust me like an entire day full of sport.

Seemed like grocery shopping wasn't exactly THE THING for me!

The next morning I waked up really early and remembered that I still had happened to buy the ingredients for the apple purée and since I hadn't planned anything else for the day I decided to prepare it. When I came down I noticed that Matty wasn't awake yet so I tried to be as quiet as possible while I chopped the apples into small pieces. While the pieces cooked together with the juice I prepared to cups of tea and placed it on a tray. Then I took out a bowl of vanilla ice cream and took out six balls to place three each in a bowl. After the cooking was done I spread the purée over the ice cream and then picked the tray up to make my way up to Mattys room. I knocked at his door with my elbow but when there was no response I slowly opened it and saw Matty spread all over his bed. He looked peaceful and honestly it hurt me to wake him up but I didn't want to stand in the door frame like a creeper either. I put the tray down on his desk and then went over to his bed. I nudged him lightly and when there was no reaction I whispered "Matty, time to wake up sleeping beauty!" He moved a bit and groaned "Five more minutes!" I laughed "No, come on time to wake up! I made breakfast." At these words he sat up and slowly opened his eyes. His blanket fell down on the level of his lap and my eyes widened when I discovered he had no shirt on. I really, really, really wanted to stop staring at his abs like a psych but couldn't help myself. A smirk appeared on his lips "Like what you are seeing?" My cheeks heated up and I quickly rolled my eyes to hide my embarrassment "No, don't be too cocky this morning!" He just chuckled and then looked around the room searching for something "So you said you made breakfast? All by yourself?" I nodded proudly and picked up the tray to place it on the bed. He lifted his blanket and patted on the spot next to him. Normally I wouldn't share a blanket with a boy that easily but since I decided to wear short workout shorts and a tank top I was kind of cold. I quickly sat down next to him and he placed the blanket over me. Then he eyed my creation skeptically "What did you say was this?" I shrugged and handed him a bowl "It is called apple purée and a recipe from my mother. It is still hot so together with the ice cream it will taste fantastic!" He raised his eye brows at this "Did you just say ice cream? If I had still doubts about you really making breakfast by yourself they all vanished now. Nobody except of you who is a grown up would come up with the idea to serve ice cream for breakfast!" I pouted but then just shrugged it off and we began to eat. When Matty complimented me about how good it tasted I couldn't help but answer "I told you so!" When we were done eating Matty decided to stop the silence surrounding us "So I bumped into Lisa yesterday after I had left the meeting with my professor!" As he recognized my confused look he quickly added "From the Ralph Lauren store! You know the one you wanted me to give my number to!" I quickly nodded and wasn't too much up for this conversation. I didn't know why but this strange feeling of jealousy grew in me when he began talking about her. "Well she asked me for my number because I ran out on her a few days ago. I gave her mine and she asked for a date. You wouldn't mind me dating her would you?" he asked.


Whoa where did that come from? I started to have an argument with myself until I figured out that it might appear weird to Matty that I didn't answer but yet looked like I was deep in an argument.

"Nah, why should I have a problem with that?" I flashed him a smile. "I don't know I guess I hoped you would kind of being against it because I am your coach and stuff so I wouldn't have to go to that date. But it looks like I have to!" he shrugged. I tried to ignore my mind doing backflips because he didn't even want to go to that date and answered "I am sorry. But I bet she is really nice and all. Oh before I forget it: Ky asked me out too. You wouldn't have anything against it do you?" Matty gave me a surprised look but then smiled "No. That's great actually. I hope he didn't embarrass himself too much?" I laughed at that "Well actually he did but he seemed pretty nice so I decided to give him a chance." Matty nodded "Hey I have an idea! What about a double date? I believe Ky wouldn't be against it since we are best friends and I really don't want to be alone with Lisa!" I thought about it for a second "Okay. I guess that would be okay. Do you talk to both of them?" He nodded.


A few hours later I was sitting in my living room dressed up in a short red dress with a crème colored top. Matty had told me that we would all meet up at an Italian restaurant and even though I was sure that it wasn't located at the Upper East Side I decided to dress up. As Matty walked into the room he flashed me a smile "You look really nice, Sammy!" I smiled back and couldn't help the feeling in my stomach to start again. We walked over to the door and a minute later we were seated in a cab on our way to the restaurant.

Lisa and Ky were already waiting in front of the restaurant and as Matty opened the door from the cab for me Lisa flashed me a death glare. Of course since we weren't in the shop anymore there was no need for her to be friendly to me anymore. I quickly hugged Ky and we walked inside. The boys decided to sit down next to each other leaving Lisa and me to have to sit next to each other too. We made small talk but most of the time it was just me and Matty and sometimes also Ky laughing about something the others didn't get. I could feel Lisa getting annoyed by that more and more. As we just finished the dessert she jumped up her face heating up "Okay that is enough! Samantha would you please stop being a slut and flirting with my date the entire time while you have yours right in front of you? In case you didn't notice yet Matty is quite annoyed by you!" I gave her an amused look but before I could answer Matty had already spoke up "Excuse me? Would you please stop calling Sammy a bitch without any reason? She after all is the only reason why I went out with you! And then: she is not flirting with me! Just because you aren't able to make conversation and amuse yourself you have no right to act like that! I believe it is the best for all of us if you just leave!" She crossed her arms in front of her chest and heat radiated from her body "Ky don't you think I am right? I mean it is so obvious!" Ky just shook his head and also had an amused look on his face. I felt like I had missed out on something and just looked back and forth between the three faces. She stomped her foot on the ground, took out a twenty dollars bill and placed it on the table. Then without saying another word she stormed out of the restaurant. "What was that?" was Ky asking. Matty and I both just shook our head. After another minute of silence I couldn't hold back the laughter anymore and soon we all erupted into laughter causing a huge attention in the restaurant. We were laughing so hard that our faces turned red and I even began crying. When we had stopped laughing and caught our breath again Ky sighed "I guess this is officially over. I had fun tonight!" I smiled and nodded "Me too!" He then gave me an apologetic smile and seemed to get kind of nervous "Don't get that wrong though I don't think that you are really my type. I mean I really like you and we get on well I guess but more in a friend way, right?" I sighed with relief "Yes! Thank god you said it. I feel the same way!" He smiled, paid mine and his food and then got up. We hugged each other and he and Matty did this weird boy hand-clapping-thing I never really understood before he headed out of the restaurant too. "Seemed like it is just you and me left!" Matty stated and we both laughed. Suddenly a man our age appeared at our table. He was good looking and dressed in an Armani suit. "Excuse me guys. I am Jake. I wondered if you would like to meet sometime." I gave Matty a confused look but he only chuckled "Don't look at me, he is talking to you!" I met the gaze of Jake and nodded "Sure, just give me your number!" He flashed me a smile and handed me his number on a piece of paper. Then he said his goodbye and went back to his table. "What was that?" I asked. "I would say a man just gave you his number and asked for a date! Don't be too shocked about that though. You know something like that happens every day!" Matty answered and got up. I followed him and we headed over to the door waiting for our coats. As the man came back with them he handed Matty his jacket before he helped me into my coat. Then he placed a piece of paper and winked at me.

What was going on today? Never heard of saving the trees?

I smiled back and then walked with Matty outside. He got us a cab and then we headed back home. Once we entered the apartment I let myself fall onto the couch and took out the piece of paper. Matty seated himself next to me and curiously looked at it. I unfolded it and found a number with a 'Zack :)' underneath. "Who gave you this?" Matty asked sounding as surprised as I was. "The man who took care of our coats. After he had helped me into my coat" I answered. Matty nudged me with his elbow "Looks like you caught the attention of every man tonight. I have to admit you were quite an eye candy!" We both laughed but I couldn't help but feel fluttered by his words. "Apparently. And to be honest I didn't think about shopping the entire night!" He flashed me a smile and placed an arm over my shoulder "Seems like men hunting is quite the good distraction for you!" I just rolled my eyes and freed myself out of his grab "Good night Tylers!" I was about to head upstairs when Matty called me again. As I turned around he had a hurt look on his face "Don't I get a hug or something?" I laughed and quickly walked back over to him to give him a hug.

He was an amazing hugger!

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