Chapter 11: Always

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Awwwwwww the epilogue c':

Song: Always Attract- You Me At Six


Today I was going to surprise Matt at the studio. I had the day off and I wasn’t busy with anything, considering I had no social life.

Ever since we made up, Matt and I have been going strong. We haven’t fought nearly as much and the drinking problem isn’t nearly as bad. Things were practically perfect, other than the occasional fight about what to watch on TV. Matt always wanted to watch Doctor Who while I wanted to watch Supernatural.

“You only want to watch that stupid show because you like drooling over those stupid American men,” Matt sulked, turning the channel to Doctor Who as he put the remote on the opposite side of the couch.

“No, don’t bring Jensen into this. But trust me, if I had the chance, I would much rather be with him than you smelly piece of shit.” I grinned at him before reaching over him to get the remote. I switched it back to Supernatural and put the remote in my shirt.

“You really think that your boobs are going to keep me away from the remote?” Matt asked, laughing at my idiocy.

“Yes I do,” I said before Matt reached into my shirt and grabbed the remote, switching it back to Doctor Who.

I groaned and straddled his lap. “I hate that’s it’s come to this, Pickles,” I murmured, moving my hands up his chest. I felt his hard-on and smirked, grabbing the remote from him and taking my seat back on the couch.

We watched Supernatural in silence.

I smiled at the memory as I made my way to the recording studio. It was crazy how happy Matt made me. It was completely despicable, but I couldn’t help it. I loved him more than anything.

I went upstairs and into the studio to see the boys recording the finishing touches to their final song on the album.

Matt smiled at me as he continued pounding on the drums.

“And that’s a wrap. Nice working with you, boys,” the producer said. All of the boys sighed in relief as they exited the recording booth.

“Tickles!” Pickles enthused, running towards me. He gave me a tight hug and spun me around. “Fancy seeing you here,” he murmured, giving me a kiss.

“Thank god you’re finally done with that shit album,” I teased.

“Thank god you’re finally done with that shit face!” Jordan yelled with a smirk before leaving the studio.

“Just a small tip; try not kissing as much because no one wants to see that shit. Save it for the bedroom,” Lee said, following Jordan out the door.

“At least you cunts are finally happy,” Kean said, leaving as well.

“Glad to see you’re both back to your old selves. Now the past is actually behind us,” Oli said with a smile.

“I love you,” Matt murmured.

“I love you too, Pickles.” My lips pressed against his. There was one thought going through my head the entire time and that was: thank god I stayed.

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