Chapter 1: Awoken

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Song: Bring Me To Life- Evanescence

Matt's POV

When I got the phone call, I couldn’t have ran to the hospital fast enough. It was just down the road from my house and I was in too much of a rush to get in my car.

The hospital called because of Ryan. She had been in a coma for a little over two weeks now, and I had given the hospital all of my contact information in case anything happened that was out of the ordinary.

Ryan didn’t have any family. I was the only person she had other than a few friends, and I knew that when she woke up she would hate me again, but it was nice to remember the days when she didn’t hate me.

I got to the hospital, running upstairs to the familiar wing. There was a doctor waiting for me outside of Ryan’s hospital room.

“Ah, Mr Nicholls. I have good news and bad news,” the doctor said, giving me a sympathetic smile.

“Is she awake?” I immediately asked.

“Yes, but she’s lost quite a bit of her memory. She knows her name, her age, etcetera. But she doesn’t remember anything that’s happened within the last several months. Anything drastic, she’s forgotten. Over the course of a few months she’ll start remembering things. I don’t recommend you leave her alone for too long, and don’t tell her anything that will cause a lot of stress.”

I nodded, looking in the room. I saw her through the blinds, watching the TV. “Can I go in?” I asked.

“Of course.” The doctor opened the door and I took a deep breath before stepping in.

She looked at me, tilting her head a bit. “You don’t look like a nurse, so I’m guessing you’re someone I should remember.”

I chuckled. “I’m Matt, you’re um... boyfriend.” A little lie never hurt, right? It’s been three weeks since we broke up and I haven’t told anyone yet. I guess I’m kind of in denial about the whole thing. “You’re watching Coronation Street,” I pointed out, changing the subject.

She nodded. “And I hate it already.”

“You’ve always hated that show.”

“Where was I living before this all happened? Am I going to be locked out of my apartment or something?” She asked, taking a sip of her water while looking at me, expectantly.

I twiddled my thumbs, thinking of another good lie. “N... no. You were living with me.” She was living with me... kind of.

“So I wouldn’t be bothering you if I lived with you again, even though I have no idea who you are?”

I shook my head. “It’s all good. There’s a guest room you can stay in and we live right next to Oli and Hannah. Do you remember them?”

She shook her head. “I’m not so good with names.”

“Mr Nicholls, if you don’t mind, I’d let to do a few more tests on Ryan and she’ll be ready to go home first thing tomorrow,” the doctor interrupted.

I nodded, there were some things that had to be done before tomorrow.


It didn’t take me too long to find out where Ryan was staying. I asked Hannah, since her and Ryan were best friends, and Hannah told me she was staying with another friend just down the road. Most of Ryan’s things were in Hannah and Oli’s basement with the exception of her clothes.

I drove to her friend’s house, thinking up a plan. After talking with her, my lie would pan out perfectly. Ryan would never know that she moved out to begin with and I could start things all over again.

I was just going to tell everyone the truth, but leave out the fact that I told Ryan that we were still dating and she never moved out. I would just tell her friend that she would be better off staying with me because I’ll be home for the next three months while Bring Me The Horizon records the new album.

I knocked on the door and I couldn’t say I wasn’t surprised to see who answered it.

“Nicholls,” Sara sneered, eyeing me up and down. “What the hell are you doing here? Did you not-”

“I’m here for Ryan’s stuff. She’s going to move back in with me for a while. The doctor told me that there has to be someone with her at all times and I’m not going on tour any time soon,” I explained.

“I’m not going on tour either,” she shot. She was a teacher.

“Sara, don’t be difficult with me. I’m just giving you the doctor’s orders. You’ll be away most of the time and I have everything under control.”

She sighed. “You really broke her, Nicholls,” she muttered as she let me into her apartment. “I put her stuff into boxes in case she didn’t wake up, you can move them out yourself.”

Sara never really had a warm personality. She was always cold towards me because I was dating her friend and she couldn’t get it through her thick skull that I wasn’t a lowlife band member.

I hauled all three boxes into my trunk and drove the ten minute drive back to my place. I hummed to myself along the way because things were finally going to be right again. I was going to make Ryan love me again.


Sorry this is so short :c Later chapters will probably be longer, but i was just so excited to post this xD

Nicholls seems to be getting himself in a bit of a pickle...

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