Chapter 5: Recording

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kind of a filler sorta ?

read it tho c:

Song: The House of Wolves- Bring Me The Horizon


When Matt and I sat down to eat breakfast, I decided to bring up my dream. I explained everything that happened, every little detail.

“We had a lot of fights about my drinking. It was just something that you really hated but I couldn’t help but do it. After that fight, I came back a few hours later and gave you a huge apology. Then I got rid of all of the alcohol in the house and promised to you that I would never disappoint you like that again,” he clarified.

“I thought you said we didn’t fight a lot,” I said, remembering the day when I first came home.

“We didn’t fight often, but when we didn’t fight, it was mostly about my drinking or sex,” he quickly explained.

I nodded, taking a sip of my water. “So, what do you want to do today?”

“Well, I have to go to the studio to do some recording for the album. You can come with me if you want. I don’t really want you to be alone and we can go out afterwards or something,” he offered.

“Yeah, I’ll come with you.”

“Fucking hell,” Oli murmured under his breath. He had to sing the same line to his song over and over again because he still couldn’t get it right. You could tell he was getting really frustrated.

“Want to try again?” The producer asked. I was sitting on the couch behind them, playing Temple Run 2. It was really interesting to see all the work that was behind the music.

“No. Let’s take a fifteen minute break,” Oli declared, removing his headphones as he stormed out of the recording booth and out the door. He was probably going to call Hannah. Apparently Hannah was working today but she was the only one that could really calm him down in times like this.

Matt sighed and collapsed on the couch beside me. “You enjoying this?” He asked, chuckling a bit at my bored facial expression.

“I mean, at least there was a bit of drama to keep me entertained, right?”

“Want to go for a walk?” Matt suggested, pulling me off of the couch. “I want to show you something.” Without letting me reply, you pulled me out the door into the mild and cloudy outdoors.

“Where are we going?” I asked. Our arms were intertwined and we were heading downtown.

“We’re going to Drop Dead,” he replied.

“Um... it wasn’t really my plan to drop dead today...” I said, awkwardly. Was there something I was missing?

Matt laughed so hard he had to stop walking a catch his breath. “No... oh god that was priceless.” He wiped away some tears and gave me a goofy smile.

“What am I missing?” I asked, looking at him confusedly.

“Drop Dead is Oli’s clothing line. He has a store downtown that I want to show you,” he said, linking his arm with mine again.

“You didn’t have to laugh at me,” I said, pouting.

He chuckled. “Sorry, that was just amazing. You’re just... amazing.” I ignored the fact that he just called me amazing and stayed silent as we walked to Oli’s store... Drop Dead. What kind of clothing line name was Drop Dead?

Matt opened the door for me and the second I stepped in it was like I had entered heaven. The clothes were amazing and the people working in the store were equally amazing.

“Pickles!” A girl enthused, running over to us. Matt’s nickname must have been pretty well-known. “I’m like, Bring Me The Horizon’s biggest fan. Oh my god, you’re Ryan! I thought you died!”

Matt laughed nervously as the fan gave us both hugs.

After taking a few pictures and talking with some other fans, Matt finally pulled me out of the store so we wouldn’t get ambushed by anymore fans.

We were walking back to the studio a different way. I stopped walking because something felt familiar. I felt like I had been here before.

“What is it?” Matt asked, sounding a bit worried.

“I’ve been here before,” I murmured, staring at the traffic light.

“Of course you have. We used to drive down this road all the time,” Matt said as if the solution were that simple.

Drive. That was the word that triggered it. That was the word that triggered the memory.

I was so frustrated. I had just lost my job that I only had for a week because I was five minutes late, and Sara left a message on my phone, yelling at me because I was late for dinner.

I wasn’t paying attention. My mind was running a million miles a second and I was distracted by how annoyed I was. I felt like I would never be happy again. I would never go home and be happy because Sara wasn’t the person I wanted to be going home to.

I snapped back to reality when I heard a loud honk. I turned my head towards the sound but it was too late for me to steer away from the truck that was coming towards me.

Everything hurt so much. I couldn’t feel anything and I couldn’t see anything. I heard screams and dramatic people asking me if I was alive. I wanted to reply, but I couldn’t remember how.

Soon enough, everything went black.

“Ryan...?” Matt asked, shaking me a bit to break me from my trance.

“Matt, this is where I got into the car accident.”

Matt looked completely surprised as his eyes widened from what I just said. “What did you remember? Did you remember the accident? The truck?” He asked. “Wait, sorry. Too many questions.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. But... I remember thinking about how Sara was mad at me for being late for dinner. Why would Sara be yelling at me for being late for dinner?”

“I have some explaining to do.”


OMG what's Matt gonna do??? :oooo

lol i already know but you dont c:<

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