Chapter 8: Trapped

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Guys, there's three more chapters after this and then it's done! :o

Song: 2nd Sucks- A Day to Remember


Today was my first day working at Drop Dead, and it went pretty well over all. Bring Me The Horizon was in the studio so I didn’t have to worry about Matt showing up, and I also had some good sales.

I walked home from work because I still had some anxieties with driving. When I got home, Matt and Oli were sitting on the couch watching Star Wars. Goddammit, that was a long ass movie.

“Tickles!” Matt Kean yelled, emerging from the kitchen before I could stealthy run up the stairs. I sighed as Nicholls’ eyes met mine.

I turned to Kean. “Hey Matty,” I said, faking a smile as I gave him a hug.

“You wanna watch Star Wars with us? There’s popcorn!” He smiled as if there wasn’t any almost ex-boyfriends sitting in the room.

I smiled, sympathetically. “I would love to, but I have some work I have to do. I’ll hang out with you later,” I said before escaping up the stairs. Before going into my room, I paused to hear their conversation.

“Matt, can’t you see she kind of doesn’t want to see Pickles right now?” Oli exclaimed.

“Oh!” Matt said, sounding like he just discovered the solution to world hunger. “Well, I think Pickles should man up and talk to her because she’s more fun than you twits.”

That comment made me smile before I went into my room and closed the door behind me. I settled myself into my bed with my laptop, opening Netflix. It was finally time for me to enjoy an all night marathon of Supernatural.

Before I started the first episode of Season 6, I heard my door open and I quickly turned to see Matt walking in and closing the door behind him.

“You should really start learning how to knock, you know,” I said, putting my laptop to the side. My Destiel feels would have to wait.

“I need you to let me move on, Ryan,” Matt exclaimed, sitting on the edge of my bed. “I can’t be stuck in the middle of in a relationship and out of a relationship forever. I feel like I’m trapped in the middle of nowhere. If you don’t want to date me, just fucking break up with me already,” Matt exclaimed, sounding exasperated.

I sighed. Matt would never understand how the females brain worked. “If you wanted to move on, why didn’t you just say so?”

“Because I don’t want to. I have to.”

“Then go ahead. Fuck some prostitutes, eat some pineapples. I really don’t care anymore,” I said, turning back to my laptop. “Close the door on your way out.”

“Ryan!” Hannah chanted, opening my bedroom door. “We’re going clubbing and we need a designated driver,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I was only on Season 7 now, so this was a major setback. “Fine. When are we leaving?”

Hannah smiled widely. “About an hour.” She closed my door and I heard her skipping down the stairs.

I went into my closet in attempt to find something that they would even let me walk into the club wearing. I settled on my black and white skull dress, but made it look fancier by putting on a belt and doing some dramatic makeup.

“Damn, someone wants to show off tonight,” Hannah said, wiggling her eyebrows at me as I came downstairs.

“Maybe I’ll meet some hot, sober British man,” I joked, putting on my Vans. Classy chick I was with my fancy dress, makeup and my good old, beat up Vans.

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