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* I know this isn't on the playlist but pretend it is!*

"STOP THIS JINX!" Floyd finally opened his mouth. I cocked my head at him and smirked. Why was I doing this..I don't know. "Why would I Floyd?" I teased. "Only my friends call me that." He muttered and looked down disappointed. That was it. Hear that crack. That was my heart.

My peached colored smirk turned into a deep scary frown. I walked over to him and Rick pulled him back but Floyd took his hand off of his shoulder. He stood there like a statue. Yeah he was taller then me but I looked fierce.

I finally got to him and he didn't even flinch.

Harley was fighting the mutants with her bat and then when they fell she skipped over and gave me a dirty look.

"I did this for you." I whispered and punched him but he blocked which caused me to laugh. A creepy one may I add. Harley swung her bat at me but I dodged it. "Where's My Puddin'" She growled. "Like he loves you." I muttered and yelled. A bloody curdling scream. "SHUT UP HARLEY!" I yelled and she jumped and attacked me to the ground. When she about to whack me I laughed and punched her which caused her to fall back.

I did a pout. "Aw did little Harleen Quinzeel get hurt?" "Enough of this shit. Jinx. What is this about!" Floyd yelled. I could tell there was anger in his eyes Which caused my heart to soften. I felt a tear in the corner of my eye.

I did something I didn't except.

"Wish I may, wish I might,

Find my one true love tonight.

Do you think that he,

Could be you?" I laughed and he gave me a weird look.

"If I pray really tight,

Get into a fake bar fight,

While I'm walking down,

The avenue.

If I lay really quiet,

I know that what I do isn't right,

I can't stop what I,

Love to do.

So I murder love in the night,

Watching them fall one by one they fight,

Do you think you'll,

Love me too, ooh, ooh?" I cracked up and sang, "Baby I'm a sociopath. Sweet Serial Killer. On the Warpath. 'Cause I love you, Just a little too much." I rolled my eyes and walked backward and stopped. I closed my eyes and grabbed my gun from my boot. ..I never miss just like my dear Floyd.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Flag yelled and started walking towards me. "Yeah!" Harley skipped and I rolled my eyes. Just then the Joker came outside. "How's it going- Oooh looks like everyone's here!" He laughed manically which made grab my head in pain.

"Give her back!" Floyd yelled at him. He pointed a gun towards him. Everything around me started to spin. I yelled. Everyone stared and I grabbed my head and fell to the ground. I heard the Joker's laugh.

"Sweet Seral Killer...do it for the trill of your rush.." I started singing..why? My eyes started turning red. Oh no! I started getting red tattoos over my body. (Yesh I got this from Raven from TT!) I cried it hurt. My demon side was showing. I cried and wailed in pain. "Woah!" Harley gasped. I opened my eyes. I wasn't her anymore. "Floyd..." I cried and looked at the Joker in anger. "You..you did this to me you INSANE CLOWN!" I yelled and his house began to fall. I walked over and Harley stood in the way. "Hey Leave My Puddin alone!" I gave her a dark look.

"Move." Was all my deep voice said and I pushed. He began laughing. Seriously.  he was about to get killed. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Mari I know your in there. Please stop." it was Floyd. "He was going to hurt your daughter Floyd..I-I can't let that happen." I closed my eyes.

"WHAT!" He yelled angrily. He turned towards the Joker and yelled, "YOU THREATENING MY DAUGHTER!?" Joker laughed. He shot a bullet and it went through the Joker's head. Yet he still stood laughing. Harley gasped.

I walked in front of Floyd and sighed, "I'm sorry old friend..i used to love you but you changed. I don't like this Joker. So this is what I'm going to do." I whispered something to myself. "Shoot yourself." I handed him gun. "Do it." I looked down. He put the gun to his head and whispered, "Marina. Please." "DO IT!" I yelled. He closed his eyes and the blood decorated his house which also was mixed with Harley's scream.

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