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Enchantress screamed in loss of her brother. She started to fight the squad full of anger. She was about to do a death blow towards Flag but Deadshot deflected it.

"ENOUGH...JOIN ME OR DIEE!" She screamed eyes full of horror.

Harley sighed and walked up to the lady. "I'm not much of a joiner but maybe.." Harley smiled.

"Listen lady..I uh..lost my Puddin' but you can bring him back right?"

"Oh course dear." The woman told her.

"Well there's one teeny problem." Harley slowly reached down and grabbed Katana's  sword that was lost during battle. "You messed with my friends!" She yelled stabbing her and bringing out her heart.

They blew up the machine and Rick threaten to crush the heart if Enchantress didn't bring back June. Enchantress disagreed so he crushed it.

June escaped from the dead corpse and was embraced into Rick's hug.

Floyd turned Jinx around and kissed her. Oooh's came from  the squad and the two pulled away and blushed. Harley hugged Jinx, "I'm so sorry bestie..im sorry he hurt you." She whispered. "It's okay Harles. And i'm sorry to for hurting you." Jinx smiled.

"I'm going back to the sewer." KC said.

"Your all going back to Belle Rever."Amada said walking over to them.

"How are you not dead?" Floyd asked.

"We did all this and not get anything?!" Harley rolled her eyes.

"Well you can go to the bar for a drink but besides that 10 years off your prison sentences." She told them.

"I want to see my daughter." Floyd said.

"I want a tv!" KC said.

"Expresso Machine." Harley laughed in a duh tone.

"I want to go with Floyd to see his daughter." Jinx blushed and Amanda nodded.

The Squad headed for the bar to at least celebrate..not forgetting their Friend that they lost.

No this isn't the last chapter...and I'm going to either continue the story here or make a sequel.

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