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Marina wandered through the street..trying to look for an hiding place. Ever since what happened earlier...

Marina's eyes turned fuchsia and she smirked at her ex boyfriend. He started throwing things at her but she dodged it. She sped up to his ear and whispered her famous speech, "Today is your unlucky day!" She screamed as loud as her vocal cords would allow. Her ex fell to the floor and blood poured out of his ears. She cackled but  couldn't stop. She was enjoying it. What she didn't know was...that everyone in the building was becoming a victim of her wail. The building started to collapse. She quickly sprinted to the window and jumped through it. The glass pricking her skin. She didn't stop and started running. The glass was starting to go into her skin but she didn't care..she had to get out of there!

Marina saw an alley way and decided to go hide out their..but that's not what the 'famous' batman decided. "You there Gezles...your not going to be escaping anytime soon!" His deep voice thundered. "Well well is you unlucky day!" Marina's peach colored lips formed into a smirk. Her eyes became Fuchsia and she threw her hands into the air. Thunder and lighting roared. She threw vehicles at him but he dodged them. She growled and threw her pink balls of spark.

Batman dodged them as well and then grinned. "Well Gezles..looks like your getting rusty." "The names Jinx...and you may think." She grinned and threw her hands forward as pink magic formed and attacked Batman. "What do you think now Batman?" Then suddenly a metal necklace was clipped on her neck and she automatically felt weakened. 

She snapped her head back to be met face to face with a coffee colored woman. "Who are-" "The name's Amanda. Amanda Waller. And you Marina are under arrest." Amanda said with no emotion at all. "LET GO!" Jinx was about to yell but tape was immediately covering her mouth.

"We know all about you..Jinx!" Amanda smirked as they carried the blue haired woman into the van. "Thanks again Batman!" Amanda thanked him as he nodded and ran in the other direction. "Okay stop Belle Reve Prison!" Amanda told them as they shut the back door. Jinx smiled darkly even though no one could see it.

Belle Reve Prison was a place where no one could come in or get out. The meanest..dangerous criminals went there....

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