Chapter 24 - Blood and Rain

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A/N -  hey guys, I decided to split this up into three chapters...this bit is the boring so please bear with me :D

Channing had unceremoniously flung Rieden from his back down about five minutes ago and Rieden's whole body felt like he had been gripping on to a steam train for the last twelve hours. Channing had run like a machine, never stumbling, never failing....never stopping. He had even scaled a cliff face with Rieden clinging on to his back like a sea sick monkey.

He had to use his power to hold him on after a couple of hours.

He had felt the tremors hit Channing moments before, those muscles quivering likes slithering snakes underneath his hands.

Only the nearness of Talon could be the cause of that.

She still would not let him in.

He needed answers.

He needed her.

He missed her more than he could ever have imagined.

His heart felt heavy without her...

He slid panting to a stop beside a bored looking Channing but now that he had spent time with the black haired giant he knew that he was anything but relaxed.

He could feel his rage.

His tiredness.

His desperation.

He tapped his power to readiness...he needed those answers.

He looked out to the scene in front of him, he had felt Konall so was not surprised to see Asren there...but there was also a female in their company ...was she a...?

            "Holy Ice fangs!" Rieden said to Channing, "Is that another Ice female?"

            "Appears they were merrily conversing about blood contacting my Ice yes, I take it she is for the moment anyway. I don't know how long she will survive me," Channing sent a wink toward Asren, who did not get distracted by that ploy.

Asren's cold chrome blue eyes were professionally assessing his adversary now.

Rieden could feel the burning desire under Channing's words, even if Asren did not. He understood Channing, with Talon this close he didn't want to have to stop to deal with this.

Channing would want to get this over quickly without talking.

 So Rieden called on his power, power that with Talon in such close vicinity rushed to him in a huge surge that nearly toppled him over. He wrapped a cocoon around Channing, making sure it didn't touch him but he tethered it behind hold him.

Give him time to get answers...and time was something the man standing beside him only equated as an enemy standing in his way of getting to Talon...not answers.

 His eyes travelled back over to the Ice female who was almost uncontrollable at the sight of his unusual travel companion – he could see that she had been hurt, her extreme reaction pointed to obvious torture from a Black, he turned to see Channing's reaction...nothing...unsurprisingly - the Ice male had clamped a hand over her mouth then firmly past her to Konall who was gaping slack jawed at Channing behind him. Asren shifted instantly and howled.

Channing blew through his nostrils, one side of his lip curling up to reveal his straight white teeth.

            "Was that to stop Talon from coming?" Rieden asked, hearing the reassurance in the howl.

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