Chapter 2 - Channing

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Hey guys I'm ina bit of serious trouble.... I've been concentrating a biiiiiit too much on writing and not  so much on I'm going to post this one and try not to let my wattpad obsession obstruct me for a week. I need to paasssssss. So going to work super hard on my assignment then post next week :D ..sorry this ones a bit of a shortie

Channing roared in fury, where in Black Bloods name was she?

Why couldn't he sense her?

 He punched the wall, pounding the rock brick to gravel over and over again, not feeling any pain. He then slouched and sighed in hopeless frustration, he was floundering like a bottle being tossed on a stormy sea in his desperate search for her. He leant back on the cold wall he thoughts wandered back to the day she went missing. 

Talon always used to say that she felt that uncomfortable pull in her stomach when she was away from him. He, on the other hand, felt nothing uncomfortable about it all, it was a constant reminder of what she was to him...what she meant to him. One thing that he had not got around to telling her was that the feeling was not only limited to his stomach, he felt in with every fibre of his being and it was centred and woven into his dark soul.

So when that sensation that connected him to her started to fade, panic flooded his system. He had dropped the tools he was working with to call her.

He always had had a temper, it was there almost tangible beneath his skin, before Talon his temper was rampart and uncontrollable darkening along with the consumption of his body with the blackness. It was still there when he was with Talon was like it was on slow simmer, ready to be called in to use...except of course when that snake bitch, Elli was in his vicinity. He had had to call on so much of his strength to impede the desire to cull her....not again...never again...he would be quenching that desire when he saw her again.

When he heard Zarvane's voice answer the phone, his temper did not boil over or rage furiously, the pure dread that had siphoned through him changed it and therefore changed him. The temper thought with a mind of it's own, retreating in to the deepest, most inner parts of his core to alias itself with something... a whole lot darker ... the slumbering blackness.

Hanging up the phone...his hands were trembling, the veins on his arms and hands darkening as the blackness threaded its way through his system. Alive and vengeful. He felt it slide into his brain and his heart...when it finally subsided enough for him to take charge...everyone that had been present in the workshop were no more than dry husks, torn viciously apart.

The blackness revealed in it's new found strength.

Channing for the first time in his entire life had felt remorse, that these people were innocent...but without an outlet the blackness would have unhinged him from what was going to be a relentless hunt for both Talon and Zarvane.

The blackness wanted Talon, he knew that for sure now and let it guide him in his search.

Anxiety welled within him, he knew Zarvane was deranged, Carden would never accept it but the toll of his power obsession had taken its toll long ago and eroded his mind in to something truly horrific. Just like him. Take one to know one he mused bitterly. Channing had felt like ending Zarvane's miserable life on so many previous occasions, now he wished he had given in to that desire, but in those days...he hadn't really cared enough to bother.

            He was terrified of the torture Zarvane would submit Talon to. He understood the vicious, self centred, power riddled mind that dwelled in Zarvane's' skull; he was not one to refrain from obtaining anything he wanted. He had seen what he was capable of.

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