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Quick message of thanks to
~@freaky-fangirl for the lovely birthday gift last month, July. If there are anymore gifts that you guys did write and somehow I just missed this year please let me know.
Also quick update on the giveaway I will be holding; when I reach 1,000 or 2,000 followers there will be a contest giveaway to one FOLLOWER more on that when I hit that follower mark. Please enjoy this chapter

You were standing over a brown paper package that was in the center of the kitchen floor.

If that wasn't conspicuous enough there was a white envelope sitting right on top.

You picked up the package and envelope and set it on the table.

You first opened the envelope and pulled out a letter and begun to read it.

"Dear _____, happy April Fool's day! We have a great day planned ahead, please wear the clothes provided for you, and meet down at the plaza. If you try to opt out, your most embarrassing photo will be shown to the world. Inclosed in this envelope also is another copy of that same photo. See you soon!"

You sighed and begrudgingly pulled a photo from the envelope.

"Oh no." You audibly groaned.

It was a picture of you fast asleep in a pair of Poland's pink frilly pjs, when you spent the night.

Did Feliks take this picture? Unlikely cuz it looked like his hand was next to you in the picture, and it looked as though he was sleeping. What about Toris? Also not likely considering you could also see him in the picture near your shoulder. Also looking quite asleep.

So who then!? No one else was there that night. Right?

Looks like someone broke in and took that picture. You groaned. This wasn't really something you wanted floating around, you might as well figure out what was the outrageous outfit that they sent.

You opened the package and inside you found a waiter apron and bandages to hide your chest. You facepalmed.

You figured they wanted you going commando, but that wasn't happening!

You quickly changed into the weird ensemble keeping your yellow, Green, Red striped panties. Maybe it's risky wearing the Lithuanian flag on your underwear, but you doubted it'd be too big of a problem... Right? You really didn't feel like changing out of them at this point anyway.

In a matter of minutes you were at the plaza. You looked around, you didn't see anyone. You figured perhaps a few other people were going to be here in the same situation as you. Dressed up in crazy outfits, because someone sent them a letter and picture as blackmail. After all, when one country got something like this, it was likely they weren't the only one.

You kept walking down the path, trying to adjust the apron, and bandages, but however you moved it, it didn't cover anymore skin.

You let out a fustraighted sigh, before hearing a familiar obnoxious laugh (honestly there were plenty of those, in your opinion).

You sprinted towards the direction it was coming from to find Alfred, pointing and still laughing at Ivan and Yao in cute dresses. Ivan's was pale yellow with lots of frills that slopes off his shoulders, and Yao's was a tight red one with slits on the side that went all the way up to the hip.

"It's not funny!" Yelled China. "You look even more ridiculous, half naked like that!"

You just kinda stand in the middle of the path, watching them yell at each other for a few minuets before you decide to actually speak up. "Hey you guys, are you trying to figure out who set this up, or are you guys just here to bicker?"

April fools day Hetalia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now