chapter 21

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He smashed his lips on mine and it was a full of passion. At first it was full of hunger and now it's becoming slower and slower, until he started kissing down my neck. I let out a low moan, earning a low groan from him.

He played with the hem of my shirt. Pulling it off of me and doing the same with his. Our make out session became heated by the hour



"Wake up it's time to go to school" Harry said cheerfully.

"Isn't it court day?"i asked, his mood suddenly changed. "Oh sorry"

"Yeah it is. You are going to school, then coming back to change, then we're heading off"he said coldly, whipping sleep off his eyes.

"Why don't I just stay here an-"


"Yhoo somebody woke up the wrong side of the bed"i mumbled

"What did you say?"

"Nothing"i rushed into the bathroom

Gosh what's wrong with him.

Anyways I did my normal school routine. Then heading o the kitchen, to be meet by Harry.

"Look Mia, I'm sorry for the out burst... its just that" he paused, sighing "I just don't want to lose you"he said

"Harry you are not going to lose me"my tears wanted to go out, but I held them in.

"Eat your breakfast and let's head off" he said, before jogging up the stairs.

Once I was done with my breakfast, I put the bowl in the sink "Harry I'm ready"i called out. "Okay I'm coming"he yelled.

We headed to his car and drove off.

"Bye chummy"i laugh, sometimes we make fun of each other.

"Bye short stuff"

"Bye mob of curls"

"Hey you also have a mob of curls"he laughed

"Okay okay okay bye Harry "

"Bye Mia, give me a kiss"he cooed, before I kissed his cheek.

I watched the car leaves, before getting into the school gates

I walked to my locker putting the combination. But instead I felt something breathing on my neck and hands tightly raped around my waist.

"Michael!! I know it's you"I smiled to myself

"Aww man how did you know?"

"You are the only one who has a 'infinity' tattoo on your middle finger "I laughed, turning to face him.

"Well then...Good morning"he smirked, leaning in. Once his lip were about to touch mine-

"Ms Styles my office"my principle Mr Cranford said.

Michael still didn't let go "give me a kiss"he whisper

"Michael let go"i whispered


"Ms Styles!"

I kiss him and he didn't wanna let go

"Ms Styles final warning"he said before, Michael let go

I followed Mr Cranford to the office.

"Well Ms Styles I don't accept kissing in my school especially in front of me and there is a man that's here to see you"he said pointing to his office.

Ugh if this is Harry then what's the point of waking up earl-Oh it's Louis

"Hi?" i said unsure of what to say.

"Sit down and let's cut to the chase"he said, making me stop smiling at that remark.

"I want you to say all the bad things Harry made you do at court"he said, without any hesitation.

I was taken aback at that offer. "Nope I'm not selling him out" i spat.

"Oh so you'd rather have someone who will act all nice nice in front of everyone, but at home a killer"

"His my brother not a killer"i spat

"Well I'll give you all the time that you want but court day is today and you better make up your mind"he daid , before I'm left alone in the office to think to myself.

I walked out the office and into first period, which apparently is Mr Hood.
When I walked in everyones eyes were all on me.

"Wow"I whispered to myself before plopping on a seat next to Mikey. Putting my bag on my desk, then putting my head down.

"Wanna explain why you are late for class?"Mr Hood asked and I shook my head in return. As I looked up the class slight chuckled at the fact that I sad no to a teacher.

What he asked if I wanted to tell the class why I was late so I chose no.

"Miss Styles come here right now" he ordered.

I was too tired, too drained and not in the mood for this.

So I slowly got up, taking my time to walk to him desk.

"Wanna tell me why you standing here?"

"I don't know"I whispered

"I don't know? What do you mean I don't know" he scold

"I don't know"

"So you are telling me that you don't know why you are standing here"

"I do"

"Then why are you here"I could tell that I've reached his last nerve.

"Because you called me here"

"Mia Styles i-"

"Sir I don't understand why are you overreacting because you asked me if I wanna tell the class why I'm late so I said no"I sighed "sir I'm not feeling well and we've wasted time on this conversation that is totally not English related"I sighed, rubbing my forehead, feeling my knees go a little numb.

I slowly walked back to my seat, leaving Mr Hood in silence.

My head, my heart and my chest was in pain and it was slowly taking away my breath. I knew that I have asthma but I thought that I grew out out it.   But I might have thought wrong.

"Take me to the office please"I wispered in Michaels ear. He then jumped up causing a scene, lifting me up off my seat bridalstyle, the taking my bag off my table.

"Mr Canford what are you doing" Mr Hood asked the boy how was walking up and down not knowing what to take and what not to take "she's not feeling well sir...she can't breath"

And then I passed out

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